What is your state best at?
Most states have something they excel at. It might be a food item or the landscape – but something. Livability Googled “state’s best” and created this Google auto-complete map. The map is a great proxy for understanding the reputation of what a state is best known for. For example, Googling “Oklahoma’s best” auto-completes to “Oklahoma’s best beauty pageants.” See the table below:
What is your state best known for?
- Alabama’s best… songs
- Alaska’s best… cruise time
- Arizona’s best… home care
- Arkansas’ best… wings
- California’s best… beaches
- Colorado’s best… ski resorts
- Connecticut’s best… restaurants
- Delaware’s best… tattoo shops
- Florida’s best… beaches
- Georgia’s best… kept secrets
- Hawaii’s best… beaches
- Idaho’s best… kept secrets
- Illinois’s best… haunted houses
- Indiana’s best… high schools
- Iowa’s best… burger
- Kansas’s best… songs
- Kentucky’s best… bourbon
- Louisiana’s best… seafood
- Maine’s best… lobster roll
- Maryland’s best… crab cakes
- Massachusetts’ best… schools
- Michigan’s best… pizza
- Minnesota’s best… state parks
- Mississippi’s best… beaches
- Missouri’s best… high schools
- Montana’s best… vacation rentals
- Nebraska’s best… golf courses
- Nevada’s best… brothels
- New Hampshire’s best… places to live
- New Jersey’s best… diners
- New Mexico’s best… places to live
- New York’s best… restaurants
- North Carolina’s best… beaches
- North Dakota’s best… places to live
- Ohio’s best… schools
- Oklahoma’s best… beauty pageant
- Oregon’s best… wines
- Pennsylvania’s best… colleges and universities
- Rhode Island’s best… beaches
- South Carolina’s best… beaches
- South Dakota’s best… places to live
- Tennessee’s best… chow chow
- Texas’s best… smokehouse
- Utah’s best… vacation rentals
- Vermont’s best… restaurants
- Virginia’s best… peanuts
- Washington’s best… restaurants
- West Virginia’s best… places to live
- Wisconsin’s best… cranberries
- Wyoming’s best… places to live
Notes: Livability tried to avoid brand names and overly generic terms where possible. For example, “Indiana’s Best Radio” is the slogan of a particular station, so we looked a little further down the list and used “high schools” instead. Kansas and Alabama had the (mis)fortune of sharing their state names with popular bands, hence the top auto-completes related more to the music than to the state itself. But whether it’s beaches, chow chow, or, um, brothels, I think you’ll agree that the selections fall in line with the reputation of each state.
This feature originally appeared in Livability.
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