Pink Dot 2017: Let’s Talk About A Truly Inclusive Singapore

The ninth edition of Pink Dot SG, which returns to the night, aims to bring Singaporeans together in a more meaningful way by encouraging conversation and dialogue.

Watch Pink Dot’s 2017 Campaign Video and more on YouTube

This was unveiled in Pink Dot’s 2017 campaign video co-directed by acclaimed filmmakers Boo Junfeng and Mak Chun Kit. It features a series of authentic conversations between LGBT Singaporeans and their fellow citizens.

The video encourages Singaporeans to forge better understanding of one another and not let our differences divide us. Through common bonds, mutual respect and meaningful dialogue, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and inclusive Singapore.

Further championing this year’s message of inclusion are Pink Dot’s Ambassadors – three winning personalities who have done Singapore proud in their own unique ways: popular crooner and actor Nathan Hartono, multi-talented theatre and television performer Ebi Shankara, and bemedalled Paralympic swimmer, Theresa Goh.

Additionally, and as a strong indication of growing support among local businesses, the ‘Red Dot for Pink Dot’ campaign, which closes on 4 June 2017, is proud to announce a current tally of 116 local sponsors, far surpassing the initial target of 100. The initiative, led by homegrown entrepreneurs, Darius Cheng of, Carolyn K of jewellery atelier Carrie K, Bjorn Low of Edible Garden City, and Adrianna Tan of WoBe, was founded on the belief that diversity and inclusion are values that Singapore companies should support.

“We have seen unprecedented support from local businesses in Singapore because of the ‘Red Dot for Pink Dot’ campaign, and we hope that this will help galvanise greater support among all Singaporeans, especially with the new regulations that bar foreigners from being present at Speakers’ Corner,” said Pink Dot SG spokesperson Paerin Choa.

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Following changes to the Public Order Act that stipulate only Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are permitted to assemble in support of any cause at the Speakers’ Corner, organisers also stress that it is now more important than ever that Singaporeans unite to champion inclusion and diversity.

In order to comply with these regulations, Pink Dot SG today announced that barricades will be set up around Speakers’ Corner. Attendees to the event are required to show photo ID (pink / blue IC or passport) to volunteers and security personnel before being admitted into the park.

Added Paerin Choa, “The set-up of barricades and check points around the park was the only measure deemed acceptable by authorities; this was a decision taken out of our hands and is something we do not readily agree with.”

“Pink Dot SG acknowledges that this greatly impacts individuals with partners, friends and family who might not be Singapore Citizens or PRs; couples and families wanting to commemorate Pink Dot with us may be separated because of this. But we have faith in Singapore. And Singaporeans will eventually come through as they always had in the past 8 years.”

As with previous iterations of Pink Dot SG, participants can expect a full repertoire of performances, specially curated by local vocalist and songwriter-producer, Tim De Cotta. Expect to see well-loved homegrown talents, The Apex Project, Joie Tan, Lewis Loh (LEW), Shak’thiya, Mars, Sam Rui and Tim himself. Also look out for former Ambassador Hirzi Zulkiflie, who will perform alongside Nathan Hartono and Ebi Shankara as part of this year’s line up.

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The Community Tent, a mainstay at every Pink Dot event since 2012, brings together 30 LGBT groups this year. As always, each group brings their unique brand of love and support for the LGBT community. Participants are encouraged to visit the groups at the tent to learn more about the diverse number of LGBT community groups in Singapore.

Community Voices this year will feature six outspoken Singaporeans addressing key issues of the day, including prominent lawyer and former NMP Siew Kum Hong and political commentator Kristen Han.

Organisers invite all Singaporeans and PRs to come down to Pink Dot SG 2017 and stand strong together for a truly inclusive Singapore on Saturday, 1 July 2017.

Support the Freedom to Love with Pink Dot SG

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Snapchat: PinkDotSG


Promote them with hashtags

#PinkDot2017 #FreedomtoLove #StartingAConversation


For more information, please contact:
Tan Xing Jian
+65 9664 3373

This feature is from Pink Dot’s press release.

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