The Microsoft 70-473 certification exam is one of two Microsoft Azure tests that are required to achieve the MCSA: Cloud Platform credential. The exam evaluates your skills in design and implementation of cloud data platform solutions. It is important that you develop your skills and knowledge in Cloud Platform before attempting the test. While preparing to write this Microsoft exam, there are many resource materials that you will be exposed to. Many of the available resources will be critical to your success in the exam while some others might not be of much help. Therefore, it is highly important that you go through the exam objectives and understand what you are expected to learn before you make any investment in such resources. By reading the test objectives, you are able to know the materials to invest in and the ones you should not bother about.
To help you make the best of your resources and study, we have highlighted some resources that will help you greatly in preparing for the exam. It is important to mention that some resource materials are free and some are paid. Before you make a choice of materials to use, it is essential to consider the financial resources you need to obtain them. There are both books and video training resources that you can explore in preparation for the Microsoft 70-473 certification exam.
How to Choose Resource Materials for the Microsoft 70-473 Exam
You need to be careful when choosing the resource materials for your exam. If you are really interested in learning the course content of the certification, then do not look for a quick fix. Many candidates only think of passing the exam and not the skills and experience they will gather from learning the certification content. They, therefore, settle for braindumps while preparing for their exam, or they cram questions and answers and then replicate what they have crammed during the test. Of course, this might be a great idea, especially when you read stories of the candidates who have passed their exams through using braindumps. Well, what you don’t know is that braindumps is not a 100% guarantee that you will succeed in the test. When using braindumps for an exam preparation you can only hope that the same questions will come out during the real test. This is a big risk because you can be seriously disappointed after the test.
Microsoft is a leading certification provider in the IT industry and has been in the business of providing professionals with different certifications for decades. Microsoft has built a wealth of exam questions which they use in all kinds of certifications. Based on this fact, it is obvious that the possibility of the questions you have crammed coming out during the real exam is very low. So, why would you want to waste your precious time cramming questions and answers that may never be part of your test? You are better off studying the course content of the certification. One important advantage of learning the content materials for your certification exam is that it offers you the chance to enhance your skills and knowledge on the subject matter. By studying you are able to understand and develop the expertise needed to perform in real life scenarios. All this will not be possible if all you do is use braindumps for your preparation.
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Since we have established the fact that you need to study instead of cramming questions and answers from braindumps, let us explore the different resources that are available for your study. It is important to reiterate that you need to be careful when choosing resources for your exam preparation. The first step you need to take is to read the exam objectives. Doing so will help you know what resource materials to get. In addition to this, also go through the study guide to understand all you need for the exam preparation.
Top Book & Video Resources For Passing Microsoft 70-473 exam: Pro SQL Server – Microsoft Azure
This book is designed to help the candidates explore the fundamentals of SQL Server on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, Microsoft Azure, and Azure SQL Database PaaS (Platform as a Service). The guide is straight to the point and very precise in laying out all the points you need to know about this concept. It also enumerates how to operate, maintain, and deploy data using one or sets of blends of Microsoft offerings in addition to the specific on-premise environment.
Video Resources
Video trainings are very effective in studying for certification exams. This is majorly because of its audio-visual advantage. Video tutorials are designed to help you learn the course content of the certification and you can be sure that there are many video training courses offered online. You can access the Microsoft 70-473 certification exam questions from PrepAway in addition to courses offered on the topics of the certification. There are free and paid versions of video training online. If you have the budget, you can subscribe for the paid versions of the course because they have many features in the subscription. The paid package may include a series of training videos, articles, exam tips, and practice questions. If you don’t have the budget for paid subscription, you can settle with the free versions for your preparation. The best websites where you can access video training resources for free on the Microsoft 70-473 certification exam are Channel9 and Microsoft Virtual Academy. If you want to explore free video trainings, you can check these two sites. PrepAway Microsoft MCSA 70-473 practice test exam questions also offers free training courses as a trial version on its site. The platform is a paid subscription site but offers a free 10-day trial when you sign up on the site.
Getting the right resources is very important for your success in the certification exam. It should be mentioned that you don’t have to read every resource material you come across on Microsoft Azure. Study the exam objectives to choose the resources that will be relevant to your test.