Sustainability is the name of the game in an industry that is looking forward. Humanity has to ensure the preservation of the environment is top-notch, but without sacrificing commodities and lifestyle habits we have grown accustomed to.
Fuel chugging cars have been one of the most detrimental factors in the creation of man-made greenhouse effect for many years, but it looks like the tables are turning, slowly but surely. The cars of the future will rely on electricity more than ever, and here are the top things you should know about them.
They will minimize your carbon footprint
The distance you can cover with an electric car or a hybrid ranges drastically from brand to brand, not to mention model to model, but it mostly covers enough for your average daily commute.
This is where hybrids turn out to be more useful as they can switch from electrical battery to gasoline as soon as it is depleted, which is a preferred option for individuals that live in urban areas that lack options for refills. Still, if the commute to your work in an urban or semi-urban environment takes you less than 50 miles a day altogether, you are likely to leave a 0 carbon footprint.
The power of electric transference
We are entering the age of electrical free-for-all. Your home will become a solar-paneled powerhouse that can input and output electricity from a variety of sources. The solar panels will create electricity, which in turn powers your house and your car. However, what makes this so convenient is the fact that this is a two-way street.
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Your car will be able to, for lack of a better expression, communicate with the electrical system of your house and modulate charging intensity. For example, electric cars will optimize charging time and input to even-out the pressure on the grid. Also, the options to modulate charging will depend on the most affordable times of the day.
Now here’s where the interesting part comes in. If your car is ‘plugged’ into the house, its filled batteries can be used to power your home overnight, if need be. This opens a whole new set of doors and possibilities when it comes to the transference of electrical energy according to convenience, especially as technology becomes more potent over the following few decades.
Autonomy and safety
Statistics show that the likelihood of accidents and serious passenger injuries go down if they are driving a hybrid or an electric car. Just imagine how much safer the roads will become as new features become available to everyone. Smart cameras and sensors will become commonplace, and this goes without mentioning the most exciting feature, which is car autonomy. AI will become an inseparable part of electric cars in the foreseeable future, and the implications of this on passenger safety are profound.
AI will be able to intervene if the driver misjudges a situation on the road, and circa 93% of accidents on roads occur due to human error. Imagine a world where only this singular factor reduces the risk by a whopping 90%! Still, it is important to keep in mind that we are a few decades away from truly refined, fully automated systems.
The brain-machine connection
Now we are delving into truly sci-fi concepts that are nevertheless becoming palpable. Nissan is working on a new technology that will enable us to control cars with our minds. Imagine a situation where a mere thought unlocks your car, puts your favorite music on and turns the AC unit to the perfect temperature – and that’s even before you step into the vehicle. The headgear you’ll use to control your car is still in the testing stage, but the results are promising!
It has been a spellbinding dream of men to conjure up the images of transportation in the future. This fixation has begun long before the beginning of the twentieth century, but it always appears to miss the mark in terms of practicality. Indeed, we will not drive flying cars by the year 2050, but we will learn how to be kinder towards the environment with predominantly electrical vehicles. The goal is to leave a 0 carbon footprint without sacrificing efficiency, and while this is a lofty goal, humanity does love a good challenge.