Most Advanced Robotic Pool Cleaner That Helps In Cleaning Your Pool Quickly

We all love the fun and excitement that pool parties come with.

We love the water splash games and champagne popping nights. But then, it’s not possible to ignore the chunk of dirt it leaves behind. It’s irritating! No one loves a filthy pool, but pools do not clean themselves, do they?  Robotic pool cleaners save us the dreadful task of getting our pool clean.

In your bid to have a cleaner pool while using robotic pool cleaners; you should go for nothing less than the best. The best should be both faster and efficient.

This article contains three highly advanced robotic pool cleaners that would make your work easier and faster, but the most advanced is actually subjective and based on what the user is specifically looking for in pool cleaner that cleans quickly.

Greatly Advanced Pool Cleaners that Do a Great Job Quickly

Dolphin Premier In-ground robotic pool cleaner

Looking for a robotic pool cleaner which is not only fast but efficient? Then, you should totally check this product out. It is one of the best robotic pool cleaners you can find in the market today. It doesn’t just clean your pool’s floor; it is advanced enough to climb the walls of your pool. Again, it possesses a smart technology of tracking where it has cleaned to avoid repetitive cleaning. This way, the time taken to completely clean your pool becomes lesser.

Let’s not forget how advanced its components are- a standard cartridge that is capable of handling any pool, an extra-size dirtbag, brushes, and microfilters – all included for your pleasure.

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You won’t be home this weekend, but want to have your pool clean? With its smart control feature; you have got everything in control. You could set a reminder for when it should get to work. This makes it a great option if you are a very busy person who has no time to monitor pool cleaning.

It also has a tangle-free swivel which allows for its easy navigation around the house. However, a robotic cleaner as efficient as this would usually cost you a little more than the regular pool cleaners.

Aquabot Breeze IQ

This is one of Aquabot’s best pool cleaners. Every robotic pool cleaner needs a source of electricity to work and that’s why a cable is needed. However, most robotic pool cleaners have cables which are not long enough to reach some areas of the pool.

This is the disadvantage that Aquabot capitalized on when they added an extra 10- foot cable to the traditional 50-foot cable. By this addition, faster and easier movement of the robotic pool cleaner was aided. If your pool is really wide, then this product will be a great choice for you.

Again, this pool cleaner includes one of the best filters on the market with pore space as small as two microns- enabling it to filter dust, pollen, dander, and even some bacteria.

Hayward Sharkvac robotic pool cleaner

Searching for a pool cleaner which wouldn’t cause a lot of strain on your budget? Take a look at this pool cleaner. Although, it lacks the ability to map out the pool; it makes use of a smart steering system which records where it has been and dictates where it should go. Unlike many pool cleaners, this model doesn’t have problems with stairs. So, if your pool has a lot of stairs, this would be a great choice.

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Again, it comes with an easy cartridge filter access- one which is not found in all robotic pool cleaners. Unfortunately, this model doesn’t work well with walls plus it puts a lot of strain on your back due to its weight. Nevertheless, if you have a lot of strength and can carry heavy stuff, you can go for this gadget as it can perform its given task. Remember, it goes for a reasonable price.

Wrapping Up

It is time to take action about your pool by getting a robotic pool cleaner. It doesn’t stop at getting a robotic pool cleaner; ensure you maintain it. Basic actions such as washing away chlorine and other contaminants using clean water, routinely cleaning of the filter and proper storage would go a long way to ensure its longevity.

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