When it comes to owning an animal it’s never a short-term deal, we should always go into the ownership of a pet with the knowledge and commitment that we are going to be an animal parent for years to come. Whether that be a dog, cat, or lizard we should be 100% committed to looking after our animals. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case and many animals get abandoned in shelters or dumped at the sides of roads. I do understand that situations change but I believe that many don’t realize the time and effort it takes to care for another living being. This is exactly the same when owning an emotional support animal, the only difference is you aren’t just caring for its welfare, they’re caring for yours too.
Much like owning a pet that isn’t classified as an ESA, we have to take into consideration that they have a long life-span, the majority of cats and dogs which tend to be the popular choice of emotional support animal live anywhere up to 15 years old. 15 years is a long time for anyone and is a commitment that we should take seriously before even considering getting an animal. When it comes to your treatment you might find that for 5 years your ESA is the best thing that’s ever happened to you, most of the time this bond you create during these times will keep you together, but some may feel after the healing process for them has been completed it’s time to move on and get rid of that animal. Your animal has spent the last 5 years of its life caring and being there for emotional support, for you. The worst thing anyone can do in this situation is to send it to a shelter. If you’re considering getting an emotional support animal then please do some research first. If you’re looking for more information about the incredible ways an ESA can help you then click here, as having a furry friend can help in so many situations for so many different reasons. ESA’s can even help you conquer high anxiety tasks like flying.
Your Condition
When it comes to getting better and truly recovering from mental illness then the process isn’t going to be an overnight fix, there’s a lot of emotion we go through as humans so it’s only fair to say that your ESA will probably feel some of your stress. Having an emotional support animal throughout your entire recovery process will help ease any suffering you might experience but also might speed up recovery in certain areas. If you fully commit from the start with your ESA then there are huge benefits to be had.
This comes with having a normal pet, but being able to decide if a pet or an ESA is going to fit your lifestyle is a major part of the decision making process. If you’re the kind of person that likes to be out of the house a lot, going shopping or for food, then it’s best to do some research into the legal allowances you can have regarding an emotional support animal, they aren’t the same as service dogs so don’t be surprised if you get turned away at a restaurant, even if you do have your ESA letter. Moreover, if you’re someone that likes to go out in the evenings this means you’ll probably be leaving your animal at home for long periods of time, this is detrimental to your recovery in many ways, especially if alcohol is involved, and also cruel to the animal. They’re there to help you and be supportive to you, there’s no use having one if you’re going to leave it at home all the time, and before you ask – bringing an animal into a busy bar is not the best idea.
Unfortunately, this is something we have to look at in all aspects of life, and it’s no different when getting an emotional support animal. Just because they have a title doesn’t mean they are exempt from food costs or vet bills, make sure you’re in a situation where you can afford to own an animal before taking the plunge, there’s nothing worse than being in a bad place and then falling into financial difficulties.
From our partners:
There are many things that mean owning an emotional support animal is a long-term commitment, but all of those should be apparent to you if you’re going through a tough time. The best thing you can do is talk to your therapist and work out a plan of action. If that plan involves an animal then that’s brilliant, it will do more for you than you know.