Keep Your Finances In Line With These Useful Apps

Managing one’s personal finances is challenging. A financial goal must be created to include priorities and long-term plans. Budgets are also set which may also have programs for debt elimination and setting up emergency and retirement funds. The tasks are already plenty, and we all yearn for tools that can make this process easy.

Keeping track of finances these days involves using online tools. These applications can help manage your bank accounts and even monitor your expenses properly to avoid being overwhelmed whenever your bills arrive. If you have a business, recordkeeping tools, and estimated tax calculator are also available. Additionally, there are tools for managing finances to discern if you or your company have adequate funds for the future. To manage your finances, here are some of the most helpful apps available today.

Personal Capital

An app capable of integrating with numerous financial institutions by linking your accounts within the app. As this app name suggests, it is recommended for managing your assets, investments, and even daily expenses. It can also suggest registered financial advisors that will be very helpful in customizing your goal-setting experience, especially with regards to your assets. The ultimate function of this app is optimizing and tracking assets.


A well-known and widely used personal finance app. It is created by Intuit, a company that also developed QuickBooks, another leading software in the accounting industry. This app can easily categorize your credit card and debit card transactions. It even has a credit score feature that you can access if you want to know your credit status. It is also useful in the tracking of bills and in the creation of a budget. Aside from the capability to send email reminders, scheduling payments for utilities and monitoring of investments are other features included.

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An app with a wonderful design and is primarily used for tracking budget and expenses. This app is handy if you want to share your spending habits with your family and friends. This app is recommended for use when a budget is intended for a specific event or trip. To generate an account, simply create a category designed for that purpose. Although manual input of transactions is required, this is still useful for tracking finances and for sharing of data with family and friends.


An app that is best suited to be used by couples. It is a collaborative tool enabling partners to be aware of bills and expenditures. Collaborators can decide the monthly budget and can create a bill reminder after customizing on how much each one will share in the payment of expenses. The application is very useful for suppressing misunderstanding with regards to finances between couples.


GoodBudget is an app that is useful for sharing the status of bills and finances to family members. This app utilizes envelopes for budget, checkbook ledger, finance management, as well as a planner for your household budget. One great feature of this app is its capability to be synced over multiple devices.

The process of keeping your financial records can be tedious. But with the proper financial app, it can be less stressful. Try one of the apps mentioned above and transform your budgeting into an interesting and relaxing activity. And with the proper utilization, together with your appropriate action, these apps can truly improve your financial position.

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