
5 Ways You Can Stay Connected With Others During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, the way we think, the way we act, and the way we view the world. For a while, state lockdowns caused many of us to be confined to our home. Even when we left the home, we were forced to socially distance ourselves. 

It’s not an ideal way to live your life, but it’s what needs to be done and what continues to be the solution until we’re able to return to a normal way of life. We know this past year has been difficult for many, but it’s important not to lose hope and to continue fighting for pure happiness.

No matter how challenging it gets, it’s essential you keep your loved ones closer than ever — maybe not physically, but definitely socially, emotionally, and virtually. It’s easy to become disconnected in a world like this, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still very much alive.

So, why is it important to stay connected with others?

Staying connected with others and being ‘close’ to the people you love most is very important in a time like this. It’s one of the things that gives us a sense of purpose in life — meaning, motive, fulfillment, and something to look forward to. It’s a necessary part of living a healthy life daily.

A social lifestyle helps reduce the amount of stress we’re living with each day. It increases our overall well-being, makes us happy, invites laughter, and encourages us to be more active with our life. It gives us a reason to take care of ourselves and also take care of each other. 

Without these daily connections, it won’t take much for loneliness to settle in. Although feeling lonely is a normal emotion that we’ll all feel from time to time, it’s an emotion that becomes more dangerous the longer it overstays its welcome. That’s why we must cherish these connections. 

Tips When Staying Connected In a Socially-Distant World

There’s no hiding from the fact that staying connected with others has become increasingly difficult over the past year, due in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic — whether it be your friends, family, co-workers, or those random encounters as you walk or jog down the sidewalk.

We’re living in a much different world today, especially when you compare it to life in 2018 or even 2019. With all the changes we’ve experienced and obstacles we’ve been dealt, we’re going to detail five of our most prominent tips when staying connected in a socially-distant community.

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01. Take Advantage of Video Chat Platforms

There was a time when technology did nothing more than take us away from each other’s company. With the way the world is right now, technology is sometimes the only thing we have. With that said, it’s time to take advantage of this great technology and use it in a social way. 

The good news is there are a ton of ways to make that happen. With the amount of video chat platforms that exist today, you can literally connect with anyone — whether it be on your phone, computer, or tablet. It’s a great way to get that face-to-face time you’ve been searching for. 

Platforms like FaceTime, Google Duo, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger all provide video chat services — as well as text services — so you never have to be fully away from those you love the most. They’re also great ways to stay connected with co-workers! 

02. Don’t Shy Away From Nature

Most people don’t think about it enough and won’t give it the credit it deserves, but being out in nature does so much for our mental, physical, and social health. Not only is it a great way to reduce stress and live in the moment, but it’s a great way to socialize with your community.

Even if you’re just going for a walk in your neighborhood park, you’re bound to pass a variety of different people to socialize with. They might be strangers, neighbors, friends, or even family, but a simple ‘hello’ or ‘how are you, today?’ can completely change a person’s day for the better. 

Of course, you should make sure you’re practicing social distancing and if things get a little too crowded you should always wear a mask. With that said, there’s nothing wrong with going for a walk or a jog to get some fresh air. In fact, it’s 100% necessary for the mind, body, and soul. 

03. Utilize Social Media to Its Strengths

We all have a social media account and most of us have several. While it often gets a bad reputation in today’s society, social media can do so much good when building and maintaining relationships — so long as it’s utilized to its strengths and not used in an improper way. 

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or any other social media platform you enjoy, it can help keep us connected with those that mean the most. It can also introduce us to a world of new friends that could eventually become some of the best friends you ever meet. 

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Of course, you have to practice it in moderation and you can’t let it take over or control your life. Many of us spend too much time on social media and it takes away from the real connections we experience. With a healthy balance, your social media connections can change your life. 

04. Join a Virtual Group or Volunteer — Safely

Before the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world and started wreaking havoc on everyone’s life, it was very easy to join a group and volunteer somewhere, if you wanted to. With social distancing and other state mandates, it has become much more difficult to accomplish this. 

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In fact, there are a wide variety of groups you can join virtually and there are a ton of ways you can volunteer without having to be physically present. Even in the event you are physically present, you can practice the right guidelines to stay safe. 

Whether you’re joining a social group, a support group, volunteering at a local shelter, or simply gaining a pen pal to write back and forth to, there’s a way for everyone to indulge in social activity — no matter where you live! Just remember to be safe and always put health first!

05. Reach Out For Help When It’s Needed

When stress levels rise and anxiety becomes difficult to manage, it’s easy to bottle up and hide those emotions. As easy as it is, it’s not a healthy way of dealing with loneliness and it will often do more harm than good. Unfortunately, this is a reality many people face every single day. 

If you’re having a hard time getting through life, especially with all the changes we’re dealing with due to the COVID-19 pandemic, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. There are loads of people out there going through the same thing and even more people out there ready to help you out. 

Even if you don’t feel comfortable visiting a therapist’s office or meeting face-to-face, there are a ton of online therapy options available for people just like you. If this sounds like something that could help you cope with life’s changes, contact our good friends over at BetterHelp

For those interested in learning more about the core of humanity’s survival with a focus on cities, technologies, and people — don’t hesitate to follow our Citi I/O blog today!

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