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Society-related materials.
From Suffering To Uprising. The Inevitability Of Violent Protests In Societies We Are Creating.
In trying to comprehend the turmoil and passion that fuels such violent protests, we have to consider the…
A Field Guide To AI for Business, Institutions, Society, Political Economy: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence
Discover the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on every aspect of our lives with “A Field Guide…
A Field Guide To AI for Business, Institutions, Society, Political Economy: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence
Discover the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on every aspect of our lives with “A Field Guide…
“A Field Guide To AI: For Business, Institutions, Society & Political Economy” — Your Essential Companion In Navigating the World of Artificial Intelligence.
This book is not just another textbook, academic journal, or report. It’s a unique blend—a field guide designed…
“A Field Guide To AI: For Business, Institutions, Society & Political Economy” — Your Essential Companion In Navigating the World of Artificial Intelligence.
This book is not just another textbook, academic journal, or report. It’s a unique blend—a field guide designed…
G7 2023: The Real Threat To The World Order Is Hypocrisy.
When assessing people’s achievements or situations, it’s crucial to consider the unique challenges they’ve faced. This could be…
The Best Places to Survive Societal Collapse
Conventional wisdom might identify a lonely island as the best place to survive the apocalypse. A new scientific…
How COVID-19 Is Shaping Our Cities And Communities
The emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020 turned our world upside down, forcing the global population indoors and…
7 Expert Perspectives On What COVID-19 Means For The Planet
Experts agree that the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic will be with us for years, even after the…
Social Issues: What A Student Should Know To Make Difference
Students are a special group of people who are able to normally live while everything around seems to…
After Coronavirus The World Will Never Be The Same. But Maybe, It Can Be Better
Life has changed a lot in the past few days, weeks, or months, depending where you live. As…
Coronavirus: Three Ways The Crisis May Permanently Change Our Lives
The realisation that life is going to change for a good while is starting to take hold. To…
The 4 Plausible Futures Of The World: Humans Inc.
Depending on the state of the planet and society, the world will reach one of four possible, highly…
The 4 Plausible Futures Of The World: Extinction Express
Arup’s recently published white paper, 2050 Scenarios: four plausible futures, discussed how certain choices of humanity at present…
The 4 Plausible Futures Of The World: Greentocracy
In 2050, the world will be in one of four scenarios, according to Arup. This is the main…
The 4 Plausible Futures Of The World: Post Anthropocene
The world is in a state of rapid change. Depending on our collective priorities and choices, there are…
Will Thirst For Innovation Drive Humankind To Extinction?
Humans are constantly innovating. So far, most of these creations have positively impacted society. Has it ever crossed…
The Countries With The Highest Social Mobility
Social mobility is the ability of a child to have a better life than their parents, simply put. …
Here Are 6 Lessons Social Entrepreneurs Learned About Creating Systems Change
Systems change, is “on a large scale, changing the way a majority of relevant players solve a big…
What A Society Designed For Well-Being Looks Like
In early June last 2018, the back-to-back suicides of celebrities Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade, coupled with a…
The Infantilization Of Western Culture
If you regularly watch TV, you’ve probably seen a cartoon bear pitching you toilet paper, a gecko with…
Violent Crime Is Like Infectious Disease – And We Know How To Stop It Spreading
Headlines scream about “epidemics” of shootings and stabbings – but what if we took that literally? From Chicago…
Did European Colonisation Precipitate The Little Ice Age?
Many of us think that rapid environmental change is a quintessentially modern crisis. Today, temperatures are soaring, topsoil…
Power And Powerlessness In Global Cities
How does today’s globalization transform our perceptions of urban inequality and how do we respond to it? Inequality…
Slavery Was Never Abolished – It Affects Millions, And You May Be Funding It
When we think of slavery, many of us think of historical or so-called “traditional forms” of slavery –…
Why Diversity Is Vital For A Healthy Democracy
Democracy demands a robust contest of ideas to thrive, and diversity is the best way of protecting the…
Planning Our Connection To The Natural Landscape
Have we become too detached from our landscapes and our sense of place within the natural world? Is…
Why The Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone
A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you, says His Holiness…
Planning Cities For Migration
Migration is a natural human phenomenon, but not one that organisations in the built environment are that focused…
The Global Bike Sharing Boom : Why Cities Love A Cycling Scheme
As urbanisation and modernisation reach unprecedented levels, road congestion has become a modern day menace. Heavy traffic is…
51 Breakthrough Technologies To Defeat Poverty
Simple technologies like Kenya’s M-Pesa mobile money system can have a huge impact in the developing world. Offering…
City People, NYC
[A few years ago] Mayor Bloomberg left office, ending an era that radically changed New York City,…
The Silent Rise Of The Smart City
As Google hits the headlines for changes to its privacy rules across Europe, it is worth noting…
James A. White Sr. : The Little Problem I Had Renting A House
Fifty-three years ago, James A. White Sr. joined the US Air Force. But as an African American man,…
Jared Diamond: Why Do Societies Collapse?
Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day…
Robert Muggah: How To Protect Fast-Growing Cities From Failing
Worldwide, violence is on the decline, but in the crowded cities of the global south — cities like…
Are You Willing To Trade Privacy For Efficiency?
Data science may be helping cities get ‘smarter’, but questions remain over how long urban populations will tolerate…
The 8 to 80 Problem: Designing Cities for Young and Old
How can cities create neighborhoods that work well for all generations? When he worked as the parks commissioner…