
Nursing School Survival Kit: Essentials for Aspiring Nurses

Nursing is a noble profession. It revolves around healthcare; providing medical care to individuals or a community. As such, it is important for everyone aiming to become a Nurse to be fully equipped with the essential items and tools.

01. Scrub Suit from Dagacci

Scrub suit

I must say that the scrub suit not only does the job when it comes to comfort, combat spreading of virus but it also identifies the profession and also fashionable. It just looks so clean and radiates an “I am here for you” feeling to anyone.

02. Stethoscope from 3M Littmann


A requirement for any nursing student. This is indispensible when taking vitals from a patient.

03. Pocket Notebook from Simply Genius

Pocket Notebook

A notebook to keep in your pocket. For quick access and take note of important details that you need to check and verify. 

04. Clipboard from Sooez


To keep your belongings like information sheet of patients and other documents in place. Medical students like nurses are constantly moving, and keeping these documents secure will save you the problem of losing important time.

05. Smart Watch from Apple

Smart watch

Preferably choose a watch or smart watch that has a stop watch and timers. These will come useful if you need to be precise in time measurements tasks.

06. Highlighter from SHARPIE


As a nursing student, you would be reading a lot of books. Taking notes will be common. Various terminology, parts of the body, and other important facts. Adding highlight to important sections is a good strategy, specially when reviewing for an exam.

07. Penlight from RISEMART


Same with the stethoscope, another valuable  piece of equipment. Mostly used to check the eyes, ears and other places that need a focused beam of light.

08. Memo Wristband from Vin Beauty

Memo wristband

Time is important. Sometimes, the pocket notebook is not enough. Or you will not be fast enough to open a notebook and write there. These writable wristband is perfect for these situation. Just be careful when swiping your forehead with these, if you don’t want a temporary tattoo  on your face.

09. Sticky Notes from Post-It

Sticky notes

Another time saver. Attachable notes to documents, that needs to be clean from handwriting are essential for these situation. It can also be used for as a footnote reviewers and books without you actually writing on these precious references.

10. Wheeled Backpack Bag from High Sierra

Spacious, backpack, and has wheels. What more can you ask. As a nursing student or nurse you’d be moving a lot. A good investment on backpack will last you until you are already a fully qualified nurse. The wonderful thing about the backpack is that the handle can be fully hidden, making it like a normal backpack bag.

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