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Drug And Alcohol Rehab Success Rates: Do They Really Work?

Whether you’re recovering from alcohol or drugs, the journey to sobriety is often the same, which means the treatment options are similar. However, the treatments vary depending on the individual case and what rehabilitation plan works best for them. The one observation many people have is whether or not these treatment plans actually work. Addictive behaviors are hard to challenge, which implies that relapses often follow an attempt to get sober. While relapses are most likely inevitable, rehab tends to be the best road to recovery. 

On that note, here’s some insight on drug and alcohol rehab success rates. 

The Different Types of Treatment

  • Inpatient Treatment
  • Medical Detox
  • Residential Treatment
  • Outpatient Drug-Free Programs


It’s important to acknowledge the different factors that can determine how fast a patient’s road to sobriety is reached. For instance, luxury rehabilitation centers that feel like a vacation will change the mental state of the patient and allow them to relax while they are in care. But, the financial burden of a luxury treatment center can also induce stress, even though they have the highest success rate. Moreover, the severity of the addictive behaviors will determine how quickly a patient can break those patterns. Most notably, the form of substance abuse concludes how long the recovery process will take. Drugs like heroin have excruciating withdrawal symptoms, which makes adapting to a drug-free life very difficult. Alcohol has abundant psychological effects that convince patients they won’t function the same way without it. So, it’s vital to understand the substances and how each should be treated to discover how successful the recovery will be. 

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Inpatient and Residential Treatment 

There are many affordable rehabilitation options, such as publicly funded centers that host support groups and educate people on substance abuse. However, you can still get counseling from a lower-end rehab. But the inpatient care will require the patient most likely to share a bedroom and bathroom with others who may come and go throughout their stay. 

Short-term programs will involve treatment in the form of medication and some counseling. Long-term programs require patients to reside in a facility for almost a year and work with peer counselors. Aftercare and medical assistance following departure aren’t always provided, even if you have a dual diagnosis.

Inpatient and residential treatment don’t always have a high success rate because the living conditions can make a vulnerable person struggle with depression. Also, the staff doesn’t have the same experience required at a mid-to-high range facility. 

Medical Detox

person holding cup detox

A medical detox training program can be easier on a patient’s mental health state. The treatment is slowly introduced to the transition through medications and possibly psychosocial treatment. Medical professionals are also physically active in the patient’s life during this period to ensure there’s no return to substance abuse or risk of the patient falling ill.

This type of treatment has a high success rate. The Glendon, Alberta-based medical professionals at explain; addictive behaviors are difficult to overcome, which is why a medically supervised detox is much more effective as it eases you off addictions. Moreover, this method is better suited for patients who experience hallucinations, agitation, seizures, and other severe symptoms. 

Once the medical detox has been completed, the patient should move to an inpatient or outpatient treatment program to continue their recovery. The cost of medical detox programs is similar to inpatient rehab. 

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Outpatient Drug-Free Programs 

Outpatient drug-free programs are treatment plans in the form of support groups and counseling for several months. The patient continues living in their home but must attend therapy sessions and stay in touch with a sponsor.

Unfortunately, there aren’t the same measures in place to protect patients from relapsing. For severe addictions, this method does not have enough hands-on medical assistance to help patients recover. However, it is a great solution to maintain sobriety after inpatient care. 

For less severe cases, centers and intensive outpatient treatments are very affordable, making it work for some people. The success rates are rather low in terms of ongoing relapses that occur without medical guidance. 

All things considered, the staff’s experience in each facility, the medical professionals, the living conditions, and the cost of the services all determine a huge part of the success rate of a treatment plan. Additionally, alcohol and drug addictions vary from person to person, which means that the treatment plans must be more extensive for some. Each of these treatment plans will have different effects on a patient. So, either way, if you are struggling or know someone struggling with sobriety, it’s important to proceed with quality research to ensure the best way to overcome the specific addiction. 

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