artist painting creatives

7 Money Recommendations For Extremely Creative Thinkers

Are you a creative thinker? Do you enjoy coming up with new things and solving problems? The world is full of creative thinkers. Think of the photographers, writers, artists, artists, and film producers we have; they all fall under this category. However, creative thinking is more than such a profession. 

There are various places where you can find extremely innovative individuals ranging from industrial to commercial entities. Are you looking for a job/career that pays well and is also intellectually-involving? Read on to find seven of them.

Graphics Design and Brand Management

Graphic design involves using strong visual skills to form plans for advertisements, magazines, packaging labels, and websites. The visual concepts created are used to convey notions by informing and inspiring, capturing the consumers’ attention. Those designs are created using software products and can be used to motivate purchases. Graphic designers can make $17.80 hourly. If you can quickly generate lots of ideas on a topic, are an attentive listener, and often find new, innovative ways to solve problems, then I recommend this. 

Brand management is somehow related to graphic design in that they both involve marketing/advertisement. However, brand managers give branding direction, create, and execute branding strategies for their marketing program. They also make sure there’s brand consistency across various media forms and research consumer attitudes and market trends. You can become either a graphic designer or brand manager. 

Video Game Design

How many video games do you know? If you place them, you probably agree that people play countless video games on both smartphone devices and computers. This is an ever-growing field and involves a high innovation level. As a videogame designer, you’ll do the work of creating the games’ characters and settings, developing storylines, characters’ acts, and other aspects. 

The design entails a high level of coding using computer software. You might need to work with others to create a video game. It involves a lot of creativity, and the pay isn’t low. An average of $34 per hour is decent pay if you decide to venture into. 

Art Directing  

Even if most art directors study Art and Design to become experienced in the field, you can use your natural abilities and creativity to get money. The industry deals with the artistic development of marketing for mobile, television, and print advertisements. It may also involve overseeing a team of visual artists like photographers and managing advertising and marketing campaigns.  

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Another form of art directing involves that done by Interactive art directors who are in charge of designing and executing digital projects. They lead the research, development, and launch of digital products for marketing campaigns. They can also supervise teams of web developers and graphic designers. As an interactive art director, you’ll become experienced with design programs like Photoshop and some coding languages. 

Creative Directing  

As a creative thinker, you can also become involved in creative directing. You’ll be responsible for the creative vision of a project or brand. Creative directors develop strategies and concepts for creative projects and make sure that quality and message are reliable. They also manage and supervise creative teams and delegate tasks to them. It’s a high-paying recommendation that you can try, especially if you have good communication skills. Creative directors need to have five to eight years of experience in a previous creative job. 

Script Writing

If you watch movies, series, TV shows, and other entertainment visuals have you ever wondered what goes beyond the whole process of their creation? It all starts with writing, which is done by either television or scriptwriters. These people use their creativity to develop characters, dialogue, plots, and scenarios for movies and TV programs like dramas, documentaries, and soap operas. If you would like to create such programs from scratch, be creative, and become a scriptwriter. You’ll reap the benefits bountifully. 

Digital and Mobile Design  

These are among the few creative careers that pay well today. Digital design involves the creation of web pages, email newsletters, and websites. Digital designers use their experience in programs like Adobe Creative Suite to create projects that support marketing and advertising campaigns. With the increase in tech, most industries and businesses require digital designers to help develop websites and other online sites. These people have expertise in HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery. 

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Mobile design involves developing mobile interfaces. Mobile designers work with other creative design team members to create engaging and easy-to-navigate user interfaces. Such interfaces help enhance user experience while they use Android and iOS devices. Most mobile designers have certification in graphic or interactive design and use various languages and programs like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. You can decide to venture into both digital and mobile systems or specialize in one and is a good money recommendation. 

Software Engineering/ Development

Suppose your research reasons why becoming a software engineer/developer is a wise decision. In that case, two will be obvious- that it pays well and entails creativity. It is one of the careers that creative thinkers like you can consider to continue being innovative. The average yearly salary for this job is about $106,400. Software developers are also here to stay and in high demand in various industries. 

Software engineering deals with developing, building, and improving operating systems, databases, and computer programs. They work with other computer scientists and experts to design and test software to be used for various purposes by clients. If you want to get more than the average salary and continue learning, consider being a software engineer.

The Bottom Line  

Numerous jobs can pay creative thinkers well. This list has only highlighted seven of them. Others include; – content management, fashion design, beauty therapy, interior design, industrial design, user experience (UX) design, animation/motion design, copywriting, and more. Nothing brings joy than doing something you love, involves intellectual nature, and pays well. If any of the jobs mentioned has been your dream, then strive to achieve it. Some might need only a few years of study to gain the knowledge required! However, investing is the best thing everyone can do and can work quite well for you if you are a creative thinker. But how do you get started? What do you need to consider before investing? Get answers to these questions and many more from Bugis Credit.

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