
Safety To-Do List to Prepare Your Home for Winter

While some people dread it, for others winter is the most beautiful time of the year. Whether it is for the fuzzy sweaters, hot cups of cocoa or cozying up by the fireplace, there are so many things that make this season appear magical. However, in order to get the most out of it, homeowners should first winterize their home properly to safeguard it against the upcoming low temperatures.

In general, preparing a home for the winter season requires some time. That’s why you should take advantage of the weeks before the actual freezing cold weather arrives to make your living space nice and toasty.

From reviewing your home’s HVAC equipment to protecting your pipes, there are a few important measures you should take to ensure that your home is well-prepared.

To get you started, here is a brief safety checklist of the things you should do to get ready for the winter.

Complete last-minute home repairs

If you have engaged in some last-minute home repair projects, this is your cue to complete them before the cold weather arrives. Doing so is especially important if you live in an area that is quite wintery and gets lots of snowstorms because the extreme weather conditions may do more damage than good.

Also, if your home is an active construction site, make sure you have the right construction safety equipment to protect yourself from accidental injuries and falls. This includes wearing personal protective equipment for your eyes, face and head, as well as proper clothing.

In case you want to speed up the process of renovating or repairing, call up a professional to help you along and complete the home projects effectively and in a timely manner.

Clean your gutters

As soon as the temperatures begin to drop, leaves and other debris start falling down and some of them find their way into your home’s gutters. That’s why you should clean your gutters thoroughly on time so they don’t clog and cause further damages to your foundation.

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To clean them, you will need to climb on a stable ladder so you can scoop the debris and rinse the gutters off with a garden hose.

If by any chance your gutters continue to work improperly, then you should make last-minute calls and look for a local installer to perform a professional gutter installation. This person is a trained expert well-equipped and knows how to install gutters safely. With their knowledge and abilities, they will save your home from potential house damages.

Winterize water pipes

If there is one issue many homeowners often face during wintertime, it is frozen water pipes. The thing is if you don’t winterize them on time, there is a great possibility that they can burst as a result of the freezing temperatures and cause severe water damages to your home.

Fortunately, you easily prevent this by insulating your pipes and turning off the exterior faucets or shutting them down completely if you are planning to stay away for the entire winter.

For example, if you choose to insulate your cold water pipes, you will need to use foam to wrap the pipes and protect them from freezing. It is an easy DIY project which you can do by yourself using foam pipe covers, duct tape and a utility knife.

Check your home’s heating system

Since you will be spending most of your time at home, you should also ensure that your heating system is functioning properly. Whether you have a high-tech HVAC system, an old-school furnace or radiator heaters, make sure you prepare them ahead of time so you can keep your interior nice and toasty all season long.

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For example, if you have a furnace, then consider cleaning the air ducts and changing the filters to keep your furnace working properly. This will additionally help reduce excessive amounts of dust inside your home, eliminate musty odors and improve the overall temperature.

Or, if you live in a home with radiator heating, be sure to free up the space around the heaters so the heat can travel easily and instantly warm up your home.


Prepare your outdoor space

Because you will be using your patio a lot less during the chilly season, you should also prepare your outdoor space properly. From winterizing your garden to covering your patio furniture, there are a few important measures you should take to get your home’s landscape and exterior ready for the freezing temperatures.

Start by draining the lawnmower gas and storing it somewhere dry and safe for the winter. Don’t forget to clean all the garden tools as well.

Next, make sure you protect your patio furniture either by covering it up with waterproof tarps or moving it to a garage, shed or storage unit.

Also, if you want to keep your wooden deck in working condition, consider sealing it to protect it from water damage.

Final thoughts

Because winter is characterized by subfreezing temperatures, it is important that you get your home ready so you can get through the season with ease. Doing these preparations will save you from potential house issues and keep your living space warm and comfortable for the time being.

If you need help along the way, use our post as a guide and follow these precautionary measures to protect your home during winter.  

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