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5 posts
5 Common Wildlife Diseases
One of the biggest dangers in regards to wildlife on your property is the bacteria they carry. Since…
Why is biosecurity important in agriculture?
The events of the coronavirus pandemic have proven just how important biosecurity is on a global scale. While…
Plague Was Around For Millennia Before Epidemics Took Hold – And The Way People Lived Might Be What Protected Them
One of civilization’s most prolific killers shadowed humans for thousands of years without their knowledge. The bacteria Yersinia…
Researchers Seek New Ways To Fight Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Cities
Scientists are studying biofilms—complex bacteria societies—in new ways to discover new tools for fighting antibiotic-resistant infections. Physical forces…
What Bacteria Can Do For Your City
Many of us are accustomed to observing our world on the scale permitted by our eyes. Unless its…