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8 posts
Beauty, Fashion, and Tech: A New Era of Self-Expression
The beauty and fashion industries are constantly evolving –– and that evolution is typically attributed to changing trends…
How To Efficiently Lead A Healthy Lifestyle
When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, many things come into question. Don’t get all of this…
How To Get More Out Of Your Day And Become More Proactive
In this day and age, our lifestyles have become extremely different from those of our previous generations. Our…
These Are The World’s Most Innovative Cities
Innovation is seen as a key ingredient for successful cities in the 21st century economy, as new technologies…
Top 7 Architecture Wonders You Shouldn’t Miss In Cleveland
Walk down any street in Downtown Cleveland and you’ll know the city had history. The bricks and stones,…
Could This Be The Best Cities To Live In The USA?
Livability’s third annual ranking of the best small to mid-sized cities in the U.S. They ranked more than 2,000 cities…
Lifestyle Centre : Just A Hipper Shopping Mall?
Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose’s Santana Row covers 42 acres. Its dense, high-end retailing,…
Are tiny homes the next big thing for cities?
As urban populations swell, as the number of singles increases — and as city officials try to make…