Starting A New Business? Here’s Why Cyber Security Matters

With cybercrime on the rise around the world and over half of the companies targeted being small to medium business, it’s becoming increasingly clear that cybersecurity needs to be taken more seriously by small business owners and managers. Many small business owners make the mistake of believing that it’s only large companies at risk of cyberattacks, but recent statistics prove this to be further from the truth than many realize. Doubting the fact that your business might be attacked is futile; in fact, it’s much more appropriate and helpful to question when, rather than if, it will happen.

Cybersecurity Matters for All Businesses

First of all, it’s important to let go of the idea that cybercriminals only go after big targets. You may believe that there’s not much to steal when it comes to your small business, but data shows that almost 60% of small businesses experience network breaches, and startups are especially vulnerable to cybercrime in their first year of operation. If your business uses technology for the storage of any sensitive information, you are likely to be a potential target for breaches and other forms of cybercrime. Criminals use automated scripts to find any vulnerabilities in a network and do not discern on the basis of business size. If you’re not protecting your network, it’s only a matter of time before you fall victim to an attack.

Trustworthy Employees Aren’t Enough

It’s always good to have trustworthy employees who you can rely on to protect your network the best that they can and follow all security protocols put in place, but when it comes to keeping your network secure, you can’t rely on people alone. All it will take is one bad decision for a hacker to gain access to your network; and attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated with phishing schemes that can easily trick the most reliable and cautious employees into giving away sensitive information that allows them access to company networks. And, employees can also unwittingly put your data at risk by connecting their personal devices to the company network. Zeta Sky can carry out a full risk assessment of your network and provide employee training to ensure that security is tight enough.

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Controlling Data is Essential

When starting a business, it’s important to know exactly who has access to your company’s data from the very beginning. Sometimes it’s necessary to share sensitive credentials with third parties when you launch your business, and it can be all too easy to forget to revoke those access privileges when the relationships end or change. However, this can be a huge mistake as you can never know if that third-party vendor is going to take protecting your information seriously. The best way to handle this is to use network infrastructure with tools built-in that allow you full control over who can access your information.

Startups don’t tend to have cybersecurity budgets comparable to large, established businesses, but the cost of basic protections such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption is definitely worth investing in and far outweigh the risks.

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