
What Else Can You Do If Your SSD Case Is Denied?

Having a disability is pretty hard on its own, not to mention that you still have to juggle your financial responsibilities on top of everything. Since it was first introduced almost three decades ago, the SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) has been a glimmer of hope for those who have lost their jobs due to severe medical conditions. As a law-abiding citizen who has always been extra careful about paying their social insurance taxes, getting your SSD claim denied can come off as a shock. If this has happened to you, then you know how frustrating it can be. Luckily, a denial is not the same as a definitive rejection. The ball is still in your court. Check out the following points to learn more about the steps you should take after your SSD case gets denied.

Don’t Give Up

It is easy to believe that receiving disability benefits after an initial denial is out of the question. However, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, the Social Security Administration denies around 67% of claims at first. Moreover, this figure is even higher in some states like Mississippi whose agency approves only 3 out of every 10 claims it receives. Of course, many applicants see this as a sign to lose hope. What you do not know is that most of these claims are accepted after applicants file for reconsideration. We know that dealing with red-tape is cumbersome, but you need to be ready to fight for your rights, and this starts with preparing yourself to appeal the denial.

Hire a Lawyer

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Navigating legal intricacies on your own can be exhausting, not to mention that the average person usually does not know the ins and outs of the law, which causes them to simply give up hope and waive their rights. The skilled disability lawyers at any Sacramento firm assert that having strong legal representation can up your chances of getting the benefits you are owed. This is why hiring a lawyer to help you sort things out with the Social Security Administration is a must. When choosing your attorney, make sure that they have vast experience with SSD cases to guarantee that the reconsideration process will go without a hitch.

Understand Why Your Claim Was Denied

Appealing the Social Security Administration’s decision right away without knowing why their claims were rejected in the first place is a grave mistake that most applicants make. You need to understand that there are reasons behind every decision the administration makes. When it comes to SSD benefits denial, there is a wide array of causes you should consider. For starters, applicants who have not been out of work for at least 5 months before filing their claims are two times more likely to get rejected compared to non-employed claimants. Furthermore, if you still work on a part-time basis or have other investments that help you gain $1260 or more per month, then you are not qualified for SSD benefits. There might have also been some missing medical documents that caused the Administration to deny your case. Knowing what exactly went wrong will help you be more prepared when you file for reconsideration.
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File an Appeal

Some applicants believe that filing another claim is the way to go. Nonetheless, this can actually hurt your case more. Instead of filing a new claim, you must file an appeal. When doing so, make sure that you have new evidence to submit because otherwise, your appeal will be denied. If your initial claim was rejected because you were missing key documents, you need to reach out to your doctor and get a thorough evaluation of your condition. To qualify for SSD benefits, your condition must be either terminal or expected to last for a year at least.

Get Ready for the Hearing

In most cases, your appeal will not be approved right away; you will need to go through a hearing first. A doctor will be present at the hearing to ask you questions and advise the judge, and you will also be able to bring in witnesses if you think it is going to help your case. You should know the ins and outs of your claim to be able to answer questions adequately and represent the new evidence the judge needs. For this reason, hiring a lawyer is usually the best option. While getting your SSD claim denied is certainly disheartening, it is not the end of the world. You still have a chance to turn things around. To ensure that you have solid grounds for an appeal, collect the evidence you need, revise your case well, and cooperate with the Social Security Administration. Hopefully, between the new evidence you will submit and the expertise of your lawyer, your claim is going to be approved without any hassle.
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