Living Below Your Means Makes Financial Sense

Financial struggles can be like a prison, keeping you from enjoying life, taking vacations, surprising your family with a night out, or causing sleepless nights. You need to take control of the income and expenses of your personal life if you want to get on the path to financial freedom. No matter what station of life you find yourself in, it is never too early to start preparing for financial independence. The financial gurus of today, such as Mark Stevens, Jeff Bezos, or Warren Buffet, didn’t get to where they are by letting their finances manage themselves. Carefully watching their spending and learning how to invest strategically helped propel these men and many others to the financial top. If the stories of great investors, entrepreneurs, and millionaire are inspiring, then take hope. You can take action to set your own financial course in a similar direction. The first step will be to live below your means and eliminate the debt and financial chaos that might be holding you back.

Taking the Hard Road

If you don’t want to be controlled by your money, then you need to learn how to control your finances. You won’t be able to change your entire lifestyle and financial system all at once, but once you get into the routine of spending less and saving more, you will be on your way to financial independence. You will also start to reap the rewards of frugality. First, though, you should understand the misconceptions that swirl about living below your means. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to spend money on things you like or things that you enjoy. It doesn’t mean that you will be living in poverty or misery while you save money. Living below your means is about establishing strategies that maximize your financial well-being by not spending more than you earn. It sounds simple, but it can be hard to put into practice.

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Debt Sabotages Your Finances

When your finances get in a pinch, it can be tempting to turn to credit cards to help cover the costs of things like gas or groceries. However, as beneficial as it may seem to have this alternative funding, debt is a terrible thing to carry around. While debt that is associated with home loans or car purchases isn’t completely avoidable, a lifestyle that depends on revolving credit accounts can sabotage your finances. Your financial goals should include not taking on any more debt than is necessary. Mortgages are necessary debts for a lot of people, but financing a jet ski is a different story. Debt isn’t just about the original cost of an item. You need to consider the extra costs that are incurred through the interest rate and the time it takes to pay off the debt. This is why debt can factor into your long-term financial status. If, on an average paycheck, you struggle to pay your bills, taking on the additional debt- even though it seems a temporary solution, can simply create more stress and strain on your financial condition. If you can live below your means, it can give you an opportunity to save money that can be used to pay down accumulated debt.

Improve Savings, Slowly but Surely

Once you learn to live below your means, you will start to build your savings or experience savings little by little. By improving your ratio of income to expenses, you are able to free up money for more necessary things. Things like vacations or new cars can be quite costly, and you won’t be able to afford them overnight. By putting aside your impulse buying, you can move money into savings and reduce debt. Affording things that you need are more important than things that you want, but with discipline, you can have both. Making wise choices with your money today will help you afford the dreams of your future. Not only are you planning for short-term goals and needs, but you will also need to consider your future once the income is gone. Retirement is a financial situation that requires proactive consideration if you are going to sustain the lifestyle you currently enjoy.

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Taking Steps Forward

The steps to take that will help you control your financial condition are not difficult. They may seem hard because of the lifestyle you might have become accustomed too, but if you get in the habit, the changes will become second nature. First, you need to understand your monthly income. Calculate the total of your paychecks and come up with an average of what your monthly income provides. You will want to establish a monthly budget that is as far below it as possible if you want to be financially secure. Control your spending habits by eliminating unnecessary expenses and cutting up credit cards. Look through your bank account to find out where your spending has been each month. As you move forward, track your purchases in order to help you stick to the budget.

The sooner you get into the habit of managing your money, the more financially secure you become. With the right information and commitment, you can take your financial lows to wealthy highs.


This article is contributed by Albert Cooper.

About Mr. Cooper:  Albert Cooper is a known content writer from California, USA. He writes content in different niches such as social media marketing, finance, business etc. He’s a daytime blogger and night time reader currently working as a chief content advisor for some business and finance groups. He enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people. Follow Albert on Facebook.

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