These 5 Smart Basketball Inventions Will Enhance Your Game

Basketball is, by far, one of the most popularly practiced sports worldwide. Whether you’re an occasional enthusiast or a seasoned pro, everybody gets a nice kick from a basketball game. As any fast-paced athletic discipline, the regular practice has been shown to bring several benefits for your physical and mental health; calorie burning (600 to 700 per hour), muscle building, enhanced endurance, balance and coordination, better concentration, self-discipline, and much more.

Now, serious and passionate players need to invest in some basketball equipment to optimize their practice and help them improve their game. Without further ado, here are 5 awesome, smart inventions that will boost your basketball performance and allow you to become an invincible player.

1. High-Tech Basketballs

The basketball market has considerably evolved over recent years. For under $60, you can now get yourself a ball with high-quality materials and a firm grip. Many people also choose to train with a weighted basketball to work on their handling, passing, and dribbling skills. But how about an upgraded, more sophisticated version?

Smart basketballs are a convenient way to enjoy the authentic feel of a basketball combined with the perks of high-tech. Essentially, they resemble any traditional ball, except they come with a Bluetooth smartphone-pairing option to allow players to track their performance and shot accuracy. Available starting at around $200, a connected basketball is a fantastic way to monitor their gameplay and pinpoint any area of improvement.

2. Return Net and Hoop Accessories

Whenever you’re practicing in your backyard or driveway, balls will always get lost and force you to run an extra mile to fetch them back. It may sound trivial, but this can get tiring and significantly hinder your endurance and performance. So, to avoid having to run and retrieve your basketball every minute, get yourself a return net or a return trainer that will help you save your energy. Likewise, a number of accessories for basketball hoops can be a convenient choice to improve your game, promote comfort and safety, and help you play for longer no matter the season. With some specialized research, you’re bound to find a trusted sports equipment provider that offers everything from weatherproof pole pads to flex rims.

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3. Training Aids

Whether you’re down at the basketball court or practicing from the comfort of your own home, a good number of players enjoy some solo practice time. It’s a valuable opportunity to really focus on your game and assess your athletic shortcomings. That said, a practice buddy is bound to enhance your training and enable you to get better.

When no one’s around and you want to, let’s say, hone your offensive skills, a defensive mannequin can be a great option. These stand on an adjustable pole, are easy to assemble, and mimic the moves of a real-life defender. Similarly, if you want to work on your dribbling abilities, a dribble stick is guaranteed to help you gain control over your handling. Other popular training aids include solo assists, blocking pads, agility hurdles, and resistance bands.

4. Weighted Sportswear and Goggles

Adventurous basketball players can immensely benefit from wearing an array of special garments and gears for an added challenge. Similar to the concept of the heavy ball, weighted vests are ideal for those looking to improve their speed and explosiveness on the court; with weights on, the player will be forced to exert more effort into their gameplay and will garner the same energy once the weights are taken off. Moreover, players who want to improve their handling can invest in a pair of weighted power gloves to develop quicker hands and dexterity. Lastly, basketball goggles are the perfect option for beginners who have a hard time keeping their glance looking up while dribbling; it simply blocks the player’s downwards view and has proven very effective for many.

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5. Smart Performance Tracking Devices

Finally, the high-tech basketball discussed early on isn’t the item players can use to keep track of their performance, an essential aspect of athletic enhancement. In fact, you can now purchase smart basketball sleeves to monitor your arm movements, record valuable metrics, and benefit from helpful feedback. A basketball smart wristwatch will operate along with the same principle. In either case, these gadgets connect to your smartphone to monitor important data and help you effectively monitor your progress. Scour the web for more information and purchasing options.

Ultimately, improving your basketball skills nowadays shouldn’t be too hard an endeavor, regardless of your current level. With a wide selection of smart gadgets, accessories, training aids, and active sportswear, you’re guaranteed to enjoy a more productive athletic training experience, and take your game to the next level!

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