These Ads Will Make You Want To Ride The Public Transit

Different cities all over the world have their own unique modes of public transport and riding them need not be a hassle. Here is a compilation of some of the most creative and funny ads that will surely encourage the citizens to use public transportation.

Denmark Midttrafik

To start our list, here are the epic and cinematic bus ads from the Danish public transit company, Midttrafik. The first one is ‘The Bus’ and because it’s so epic, they made a sequel titled ‘The Passenger’. Click on the subs to view English text.

The Bus

The Passenger

Silverline Washington

Let’s hop on the train now with this catchy and upbeat promotion from Silverline Washington.

Västtrafik Sweden

Västtrafik manages buses, ferries, trains and the Göteborg tramway in Sweden. They provide a wide variety of transport choices and excellent service for their passengers while also showcasing the beauty of Sweden.

We take up less space when we travel together.

Belgium De Lijn

The De Lijn is a government-owned company in Belgium that provides public transport via buses and trams. To promote bus riding, here is a series of cute animated ads that will really make you want to ride the bus.

Here is another cute ad from De Lijn about stress on the roads. Click on the subs to view in English.

Los Angeles Metro

Here is promotion Go Metro! making you think twice before buying that car in LA.

Oslo Public Transport

This ad from Oslo is subtle yet packs a lot of message.

Aside from public transport, cycling around the city is also a nice and sustainable way to get around. Here is an ad from Holland that promotes it.

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Happy riding!

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