The Skills That The Best Escape Rooms Can Teach You

So, you’re thinking about checking out a local escape room with your friends. Or perhaps you’re looking to use the experience as a teambuilding exercise for your staff at work.

Maybe you just started seeing someone and you want to put a little stress on the relationship in the early stages to see what happens. Regardless of the situation, you can learn a lot about yourself and the people in your life by doing an escape room together.

The best escape rooms aren’t easy; in fact, they require the use of a variety of important skills in order to successfully complete them.

So what are the skills that an escape room requires? And what can you learn about yourself and the people around you by taking part in an escape room adventure?

If you’re asking yourself these questions, you’re in luck because we’ve got the answers to them, and more, in this article!

Let’s get started!


Without a doubt, the key to successfully navigating an escape room is communication. Regardless of how many people are in your group, if you aren’t talking with one another and trying to get on the same page, it’s nearly impossible to win the game. 

An escape room challenges everyone to use their communication skills to complete the task at hand. That means, if you or someone in your group isn’t naturally outspoken or talkative, they’ll have no choice but to put themselves out of their comfort zone. And you know what they say, change begins at the end of your comfort zone, so being forced to do something that requires a skill that may not be your forte can really help you improve in that area. 

So if you’re looking to improve chemistry amongst team members at the office, or perhaps test the waters with a person you just started dating, an escape room will certainly do that.


Right after communication, organization skills are the second most important to navigate your way through an escape room. It’s imperative that someone in the group steps up and gets everyone organized and on the same page.

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Meaning if you’re doing this as chemistry building exercise, you’ll quickly find out who your natural leaders are. Regardless of what the endeavor is, a team can’t succeed without leaders, and an escape room is a great way to find and make leaders in your group.


This one is a bit more complex than the others. Not only does the game itself require patience to complete, but the players have to have patience with each other, too.

Sure, you have to stay calm and relaxed and try to figure things out without rushing or panicking. But it also forces everyone to be patient with one another, which again, makes it the perfect teambuilding exercise.

It’s important that, whether you’re part of a couple or a team, you have the ability to work together to get things done. Without patience with one another, things simply won’t work out. Also, not being patient in the game is only going to lead to things breaking down amongst your group, and eventually, defeat.

Creative Thinking

One of the most important abilities that any individual can possess is creative thinking skills. The capacity to think outside of the box and figure out new and innovative ways to accomplish a goal is how some of the greatest inventions in the world were made.

In order to navigate your way through an escape room, everyone on your team is going to need to use a creative thinking approach. You’ll quickly find out who the most clever and creative thinkers are in your group, and everyone will leave the experience knowing themselves a little better.


In using those creative thinking skills, you’re also working on another skill: problem-solving. It goes without saying that mentally being able to solve issues is an important talent to have, regardless of your career choice.

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And in a relationship, being able to work together to solve those problems is key to getting to making things work down the line. So whether it’s work, personal, or just friends having fun, everyone will be sharpening their problem-solving skills by doing an escape room together. 


Finally, an escape room will no doubt test the awareness of everyone in your group. Because everything is often quite hectic during an escape room, so everyone’s senses are heightened quite a bit.

That means that everyone in the group is a little bit more aware of what’s going on around them than they might normally be. Being hyperaware of your surroundings only makes you that much more focused on accomplishing goals, which is a skill that can be useful in all aspects of life. 

It’s an absolute must that everyone has an idea of what is going on, what the goals are, and what needs to be done to achieve those goals. Without that, the chances of everyone getting out of the room without help from the staff is next to impossible.

The Best Escape Rooms and The Skills They Require

Well, there you have it! As you can see, the best escape rooms require a variety of skills in order to navigate and complete them.

So if you’re looking to build chemistry at the office, or with a new partner, or perhaps you’re just out to have some fun with friends, consider doing an escape room together in the near future.

You’ll be using and sharpening skills that you need to succeed in everyday life, regardless of what field you work in. They’ll help make you a better person, and you’ll have a ton of fun with the people you share the experience with, too!

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