3 Things You Need To Know Before Taking THC Free CBD Gummies

People all over the country are trying CBD gummies for aches and pains, anxiety and depression, and many other symptoms as well. Before you dig into your THC free CBD gummies, check out these quick facts to ensure you know what you are getting, and that they are completely legal.

1. Some CBD Gummies are Not THC Free

Many people assume that all CBD gummies are free of THC. After all, they are labeled “CBD gummies,” not “THC gummies,” right? While this seems like it should be a safe assumption, the CBD industry is currently just as complicated as the laws surrounding it (which we will get to in a later section of this article).

Now is the time to get to know your products a little better, so you can make an educated decision about which CBD gummies are best for you.

CBD Isolate is the only form of CBD that is 100% free of THC. If the website you are making your purchase from says “CBD gummies made from isolate,” then your gummies will not contain any THC. You can take them without worry of failing a drug screening or breaking the law in states that have very tight restrictions on the amount of THC present in CBD distillates.

Full Spectrum CBD offers consumers the full advantage of all the cannabinoids present in the hemp plant, aka the “entourage effect.” The entourage effect is a result of the mixture of the whole plant’s distillates, including THC, and the theory behind the extra boost of benefits is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

As long as full spectrum CBD is hemp-derived, it should not contain more than the federally legal limit of 0.3 percent THC. This is not enough to get most people high, but it is enough to cause you to fail a drug screening.

Broad Spectrum CBD is the industry’s attempt to give consumers all the benefits of the “entourage effect” without the THC. While more THC is removed than with full spectrum, it is impossible to pull out all the cannabinoids without also holding on to some of the THC as well.

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Distillates contain so little THC that the brands that make them can generally say that their gummies made this way are THC free. There may be just enough traceable THC to cause you to fail a drug test, so you need to be careful with this form of CBD if you are regularly or randomly screened.

2. You Need a Certificate of Analysis

A certificate of analysis from a third-party lab verifies the potency and purity of your CBD. Many CBD brands do not invest in testing by third-party labs because it is expensive, and it may result in needing to throw out an entire batch of CBD if results indicate that it is not up to snuff.

And this is exactly why you should insist on finding a certificate of analysis before making any CBD purchases. Some studies indicate that up to 80% of packaging is mislabeled. It may contain more or less CBD indicated, more or less THC than indicated, and even heavy metals or toxic chemicals.

You should be able to find a certificate of analysis on your CBD gummies brand website, or sometimes there is a QR code right on the packaging that will pull up the certificate of analysis when scanned. This confirms that a third-party lab has tested the CBD, and it will give you the verified amounts of every active ingredient in your gummies.

3. Laws About CBD are Ambiguous

This is a fact you need to be especially aware of if you belong to a population that may be at a disadvantage as a result of ambiguous laws and grey areas. Here is a quick breakdown, along with an explanation of what is open to interpretation:

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CBD is no longer on the FDA’s banned substance list, but the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics division has declared that CBD is not federally approved for food, supplements, or therapeutic treatments. Which means that CBD edibles and topicals labeled for things like pain and inflammation are technically illegal.

Because this is a federal law, it only pertains to interstate commerce, but many states are following federal government guidelines on the topic of CBD. Adding to the confusion, is the fact that the FDA has stated it will focus on pursuing brands that make blatant curative claims, and is pretty much turning a blind eye to everyone else.

The States

If that is not enough to blow your mind, the fact that states are allowed to make their own laws means that it is almost anyone’s guess as to the legalities of your CBD gummies in any one state. Some states have laws just as ambiguous as the federal government’s, and other states have legalized recreational marijuana, so CBD is essentially a free-for-all.

If you stay discreet with your CBD gummies, you can likely keep yourself out of trouble no matter what. However, it is a good idea to be informed about the laws in your state regarding CBD.

Final Thoughts

CBD may be one of the most exciting substances in recent history. Its benefits are far-reaching and extensive. This is a largely unregulated and confusing market, however, and it is essential to know your facts before purchasing or traveling with CBD gummies.

If you are looking for THC free CBD gummies, make sure they are made with CBD isolate. Insist on a certificate of analysis to confirm purity and potency. And always know the laws regarding CBD wherever you are. If they are ambiguous, stay discreet to stay safe.

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