Technology revolutionized how we do business. And, it did also revolutionize how corporates conduct their training. More businesses have embraced this engaging and effective training and learning solution. But despite the wide use of corporate simulators, the definitions of what it really involves are many. Corporate simulators are web-based “games” that are used by corporations from various industries to train their employees in a less risky and fun environment.
They are just as the name insinuates – simulating business scenarios that allow employees to familiarize themselves with different business situations, take on C-level roles, and make decisions that would promise successful running of the simulated business. Corporate simulators help employees learn about leadership, critical and strategic thinking, teamwork, and cutting-edge problem-solving skills.
To help you know more about corporate simulators, we’ve prepared six things that you need to know and can expect.
They Have Realistic Scenarios
We know what you assumed – that it involves playing some video game with some adventure and a fantasy element. But corporate simulators are more than that. They are based on realistic situations that are meant to sharpen the professional and personal skills of the participants.
If you assumed that corporate simulators involve some fantasy gaming with some element of business elements, we’re sorry to tell you it’s not. Go to participate in a simulation exercise expecting some educational, engaging, and much rewarding experience. You’ll not only sharpen your skills, but you’ll also enjoy it while at it.
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Corporate simulators are engaging and fun, but mostly educational. Therefore, they experience a wide range of challenges mostly in the form of decisions and tradeoffs that need to be made; lease v buy, buy v build, among others. The primary reason for presenting these challenges is to help enhance the employee’s interpersonal and professional skills. Employees are needed to be familiar with the data presented and consult among the team members before developing a strategic decision.
Learning new skills through simulated challenges helps the participants enhance their soft skills particularly leadership, time management, and communication.
Enhance Group Engagement
We’ve all made a decision but quickly reconsidered after consulting with the other team members. Corporate simulators help the participants understand the importance of teamwork and discourage decisions made in isolation. Instead, some of our simulators for training reveal data only to certain roles making teams with poor collaborations be at a disadvantage. The thing is, the singular sensation is significantly discouraged in most corporate simulations. But, there are single-player simulators for personal participation but for a greater value to the organization, collaborative simulators are more encouraged.
Enhance Interaction
One of the primary goals of corporate simulators is to enhance critical decision-making by allowing employees to act at C-level roles or as managers. In essence, participants are allowed to experience how to run a business but from another person’s perspective. In doing so, corporate simulators are able to present and nurture complex interactions among employees. Through role-plays and other interactive exercises, employees are able to tactfully convey their strategic reasoning to their team members in the simulation event. And, this is exactly how corporates make critical decisions – through interactions.
Decision Making
Corporate simulators are known for encouraging a hands-on approach to learning and strategic decision making. While the employees may not make such decisions in real-life, simulators help them have an interactive and fun understanding of the decision making in a risk-free environment. This is especially critical in allowing employees to develop and nurture their soft skills and understand how decisions affect the business at various levels. Simulators help employees understand how a singular decision affects others and the business as a whole.
Corporate simulators provide employees with real-life situations and business challenges to sharpen their critical thinking and decision making and ultimately understand the connection that exists between decisions.
Participation in corporate simulators helps enhance the feedback loop in many ways. The participants are able to understand various metrics from KPI to the team score, to peer responses, and other feedback that are essential to the smooth running of the business.
Remember, training involving corporate simulators can last anywhere between a day and weeks. During the course of the simulations, it is expected that employees will have made many good decisions and some questionable ones. And, all of these decisions will help have interactive debrief conversations about the situations to enhance the rewarding experience of the simulation. Corporate simulators are not training solutions of the future; they’re today’s solution to corporate training.