truck accident

What Are My Rights If A Family Member Has Died In A Truck Accident?

Losing a family member is an unfortunate tragedy, no matter how it happens. One of the leading causes of death worldwide and especially in the United States is road traffic accidents. Truck accidents on and off the highway cause hundreds of deaths every year. These deaths are preventable, a fact which adds to the grief of the victim’s loved ones. 

In case of a road traffic accident that leads to the death of a loved one, it is natural to question if you can seek financial compensation that can help your family deal with the loss without added financial stress. In cases where you can prove wrongful death, it is possible to obtain monetary compensation. It can help with medical bills, cover the cost of the funeral, and help in relieving part of the financial stress during the process of grieving. 

What Can You Do?

When you have lost a family member or a someone close to you as a result of a deadly truck accident, it is very important to consult with an attorney, especially with one of the experienced truck accident attorneys at Angel Reyes & Associates in Dallas,TX, who specialize in these types of accidents and other accident related claims. After a consultation, you can formulate a legal plan of action that can help you in obtaining financial compensation. It is essential to prove wrongful death for said compensation, i.e., proof that the accident was preventable had it not been for the negligence of the truck driver. 

Such claims can be filed only by the close family members and immediate relatives of the deceased. Other than covering medical bills and the cost of the funeral, the finances obtained through a lawsuit can help mitigate the loss of income and companionship and pain and suffering in the wake of the untimely and unfortunate death. 

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One key fact to keep in mind when pursuing a case like this is that there is a time limit for the lawsuit. In legal terms, it is called the statute of limitations, and for road traffic accidents involving deaths, it is usually up to three years or more. It varies according to your state of residence. It means that you have to file a claim in a court of law by three years from the date of the accident. Having a good legal representation can be of utmost importance in such cases. 

Who is Liable? 

The liability of a truck accident can lie not only on the driver of the truck but a long list of other people. For instance, you can hold the truck driver liable for negligence on the road, violation of the road safety laws, rash driving, and over-speeding, etc. On the other hand, you can challenge the truck companies in the court of law for multiple nefarious practices that ultimately contribute to the accidents. 

Likewise, you can also challenge the truck manufacturers for the vehicular defects that may contribute to the accident. The liability can lie on one party or shared among multiple parties. Hiring experienced legal representation for cases of road traffic accidents involving the death of your loved one is crucial to ensure you receive the compensation that truly deserve.

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