How New Technology Is Changing Online Gaming

Every day, technology changes our life in different aspects, some more noticeable than the others. The gaming industry has been a breeding ground for new technological advances. New tech such as VR is ideal for gaming and with millions of millennials and Gen Zs reshaping consumption as we know of, we might all end up buying VR sets before you know it.

In the past, movies depicted VR as the pinnacle of technology and a revolutionary way of playing all-too-real video games. It’s safe to say that it didn’t head in that direction just like video calls didn’t become our sole way of contacting others. Still, in experimental stages, technologies such as VR constantly reshape the online gaming industry in ways we could never imagine. For the better, of course.

Below you can see a few evolving technologies that are changing the online gaming industry as we speak.

Mobile Gaming

In the past, gaming on your mobile was impossible. As soon as screen estate started to increase, so did new gaming opportunities. With faster processors and dedicated GPUs in our gadgets, gaming online is now a reality. Why waste time in front of your PC spinning slots when you can do it anytime and anywhere?

Bored while waiting for a ride home? Take your phone out and play all those enticing slot machines that resemble video games. The possibilities are endless now that the industry is using all our smartphones’ potential. After all, is there a point to use that great HDR, 90 Hz. screen for calls and texts only?

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Online slot machines dominate the gaming industry and there’s a major reason why – gamification. It’s a term that describes the way software developers apply video game elements and sharp graphics to video slots to make them more appealing.

In the past, one-armed bandits didn’t rely on looks to attract players – they relied on payouts. In this era, however, aesthetics play a much bigger role in the laws of attraction and the gaming industry knows this all too well. Not that slots fail to offer amazing prizes. Hit up to give the best-paying titles a spin or two. Who knows – maybe today’s the lucky day when you become a millionaire.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

If there’s one technology that might change the world in unprecedented ways it’s the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are racing full steam ahead with many countries set to legalize them by the end of the year and beyond. The global phenomenon has managed to survive a lot longer than expert predictions and is seeing widespread use in shopping and gaming.

More and more casinos join the Bitcoin fray every day and we think it won’t be long before the blockchain establishes a dominion in certain industries.

Virtual Reality (VR)

We saved the best for last. If there’s one piece of technology gamers are anxious to see developed to the max, it’s virtual reality. Although it’s still in its early stages, video games have already joined the VR craze. New titles such as the next chapter of the HL story Half-Life: Alyx, are being developed exclusively for VR and viewed as the spark that might finally ignite the flames.

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As soon as this happens, expect online casinos to go in full-VR mode. The technology is widely considered the next step in online casino evolution and it’s coming in hot. It’s up to us to receive it with arms…um, eyes wide open. 

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