Training The Mind: Popular Word Games You Need To Try

Since prehistoric times, humans have been playing games even before the invention of written speech or words. But word games are a fairly recent invention, it was invented in 1913 in a desperate moment when Arthur Wynn had an extra space he needed to fill in the Christmas edition of the New York World FUN supplement, and it was cheap to print diamond shaped black and white shaped boxes, which birthed crossword puzzle.

Crossword puzzles soon became a very popular game, that is still popular to this day, and it’s also a great way to train your mind. Word games develop your vocabulary, help make words that are passive in your mind and make it active.

Nowadays, there are a variety of word games out there. Check them out.


Hangman is an old classic word game that could be played by a minimum of two people, so it’s a fun game to play with your friends. It starts out with one player thinking of a word and then putting dashes to represent each letter in that word.

Afterward, players keep guessing the letters, if the letter is in the word then it will be written in its corresponding place, if it’s wrong then the hangman’s head gets drawn, and so forth. If the hangman turns into a full man with a head, body, arms, and legs then it means that the player who chose the word won, if the other players managed to guess the word right then it means they won, and they get a turn at choosing the word.

This game like other word games improves your spelling as you go along trying to guess an entire word from the one letter’s place and the number of letters in that word.

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Word Search

Word search is one of the easy word games out there even kids can play,  and it will certainly help them build their vocabulary. Basically it’s a grid, usually 10×10 filled with letters and a number of the words written beneath or alongside the grid.

It might be a little bit tricky for children to find words backward or diagonally but it works on improving spelling, and it is also very handy for children who can’t read properly yet as it relies on matching letters together.


Scrabble is a classic word game, it’s square tiles with letters and each letter has a number value. Scrabble uses scrambled words and you have to identify it. It’s really tricky to unscramble words which is a skill you need in order to be good at playing Scrabble.

If you need to practice unscrambling words, then there are sites you can visit here that will aid you. It’s a great way to use technology to help you develop the skill you need to beat your friends next time you play Scrabble.

Pass the Bomb

This is a great party game, simply it’s passing a bomb card to a player and before passing the “bomb” the player holding the card needs to come up with a word using the letters on the card before time runs out and the bomb blows up.

The benefit comes from you storming your mind to get the word on time, this activates words that you already have in your mind but you don’t necessarily use all the time.


In Dabble, you have to create five words out of the 20 tiles you have, and you have from a minimum of two letter words to the maximum of six letter words. The trick is coming up with the words to match the exact number of letters you have, which might prove really challenging.

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The Alphabet Game

This one is a classic as well, it’s really fun and all you need is a pen and paper. It could be played with just two people, but it’s more fun if more people are involved, as it makes the competition more fun.

Each player has to line the paper in columns and each column has a category. The categories are as follows: name, object, animal, plant, and the last category is country names.

Before the game starts the letters of the alphabet are written in small paper clippings and put in a box and then shuffled and each player gets a turn at picking a paper with the letter. Then the players have to come up with words that are related to the category that start with the letter picked.

The first player who finishes filling up all the categories is the winner, the player with the most points is the winner in the game. It’s a great brain exercise when you are racing against time shuffling your brain for the right words.

Word games are a very fun way to spend a night in with friends, or a fun activity done with family on holidays. They are not only fun but you get to learn new words along the way and increase your vocabulary and refresh your mind with words you already knew.

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