Tips For Keeping A Dog In A College Dorm

Students are very busy people as they have to manage a lot of things at the same time: studies, loans, homework, accommodation, meals, part-time job, conferences, and social relationships. While you can always hire an assignment writing help service to get rid of homework headaches, there is still much fuss going around.One of the best stress relievers can become getting a pet: for example, dogs are super friendly and can make a great companion when you feel homesick.

However, the majority of colleges don’t allow you to keep it in the dorm or provide a variety of rules you have to follow. In this guide, we will cover some general policies of keeping a dog in college and give some tips to help you make it work.

Top recommendations on keeping a dog in college

Before we proceed with the rules of taking care of your dog in your small college dorm room, here are some useful statistics you should pay attention to:

01. Just 4% of all institutions allow keeping dogs

If you already have a dog you want to move with you to college, then it may impact your college choice. A recent survey has found that only a small number of colleges are pet-friendly with very few exceptions;

02. The dog is allowed to cope with depression

According to the law, if the dog helps you cope with mental disorders providing emotional support, it can stay on campus. However, to prove it you will have to bring evidence from your doctor;

03. Certain breeds are allowed

Some institutions allow pets on campus but have a list of breeds that limits your options. For example, if your friend is a German shepherd, it is unlikely to join you in college;

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04. Certain programs are available

Some colleges give you an opportunity to join the program where you can train service dogs. They are usually pet-friendly and encourage both students and staff to bring dogs on campus;

05. There are pet-friendly dorms

Some colleges have separate halls up to 30 students who can live there with their dogs.

If you take a dog to your dorm, you are automatically responsible for all the damage it can do. If your dog is not trained properly, it may cost you some good money. However, if you made a decision to take it with you to college, then check the following tips that can help:

01. Provide fun

Petside suggests to ensure they have plenty of toys to be entertained when you leave them home going to classes;

02. Make it clean

Keep your room clean as your dog should have some free space and a healthy environment. Minimize clutter and put away things that it may damage;

03. Get a schedule

Creating a plan, you will make sure that your dog will be fed and exercised and not forgotten, no matter how busy you are. Set a specific time for doing this;

04. Make your dog exercise

No matter how comfortable this breed feels inside, dogs need some exercising to be healthy and let their energy out. Do some running or walking at least a few times a week;

05. Talk to your roomie

Before (and after) you move in, you should make sure your roommate is okay with your dog (not allergic, likes dogs, etc.). Thus, you can comfortably live all together and resolve all issues that may appear;

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06. Don’t be lazy

You may be as tired as hell, but you can’t neglect taking care of your dog. It needs regular exercising, fresh water, and good food, so if you bring it to college, you are responsible for this living being and have no right to stop caring about it;

07. Visit a vet

Do it regularly to make sure your dog is healthy. Do vaccinations to prevent possible issues, provide grooming, brushing, and regular baths.

Having a dog is a great responsibility and commitment. Make sure you are ready to devote time to your pet and make it feel comfortable with you as an owner. Basically, taking care of the dog on campus is not different from home; you just have to find a balance between your studies and your dog.

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