How To Design And Build An Eco-Friendly Smart Home

Smart cities can only come to fruition once homes themselves have been optimized. This is a bit of a complicated issue, as tearing down all old homes and installing eco-friendly smart ones can actually be more disastrous for the environment — at least in the short term. New building materials would need to be sourced, made, and transported. In the grand scale, it is far better to retrofit the majority of buildings with energy saving features. Green roofs and walls, for example, have a proven effect when it comes to cleaning the air and helping manage water in cities.

For those who have always planned on building their own home, either on an empty plot or by demolishing a small old building, there are many options and ways you can make your home both eco-friendly and smart. You just need to follow these steps:

01. Pick a Great Base Design

It is easy to customize a property once you have the initial plans in place. You can either have these custom made for you, or you can choose from a wide variety of building designs on sites like Monster House Plans. Once you have the design, you can take your dream home to a contractor that specializes in green buildings to see what can be done to transform your design into an eco-friendly home.

02. Choose Eco-Friendly Materials

For your home to be truly eco-friendly, it needs to either be made with eco-friendly materials or via eco-friendly processes. Wood, for example, should be sourced from FSC-certified forests or reclaimed from another renovation or build. You can get some truly beautiful accent features by buying and installing reclaimed barn wood or other building materials, for example.

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It won’t be possible for everything, but it is a worthwhile way to build a home that is unique and friendly to the environment.

03. Insulation, Insulation, Insulation

You need your home to be efficient, which means it needs to be dry and insulated. Going with the best insulation for metal buildings is always the right choice. You should be able to use the least amount of energy to heat or cool your home.

04. Smart Systems Built Right Into Your Home

Smart homes can either be retrofitted or built, and when you have the opportunity to build them into your home, the possibilities are almost endless. Focus first on smart hubs, thermostats, and security to provide your property with advanced convenience and energy savings.

05. Ways to Use Solar Energy in Your Property

There are a few ways that you can use solar energy in your property. The most obvious option is through solar panels, which can be used to power your house. During sunny periods, there may even be the option to sell your excess energy back to the city.

Then there are solar water heaters and even solar powered HVAC units that work to keep your home cool or warm. Depending on where you live, investing in all three might be ideal. Those who live in rural areas that see high delivery fees alongside their energy bills will benefit the most from adopting a primarily solar powered system.

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