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20 posts
Are Background Checks An Invasion Of Privacy?
Background checks are indispensable to employers today, but job applicants still have concerns about them. More specifically, some…
VPN Usage And Trends Around The World In 2019
Every year, the usage of virtual private networks (VPNs) is increasing. And it is easy to see why;…
Protecting Children’s Data Privacy In The Smart City
The devices that we use have unique identifiers. With cross-browser fingerprinting, the data we generate as users isn’t…
Who Really Owns Our Data?
Recently, FaceApp, the Russian-based application known for its aging filters gained attention after it was found out to…
Keeping Your Private Data Safe
It seems like this day and age there really isn’t anything private. There’s always some kind of security…
5 Quick & Easy Tips For Safe Online Shopping
Online shopping has provided us with a great deal of convenience. We can browse through thousands of products…
How To Protect Yourself When Making Payments Online
Are you planning to do your Christmas shopping online this year? More and more people are choosing to…
8 Easy Ways To Protect Your Online Privacy
Most of us are now living the connected life. The Internet has become an indispensable tool in our…
What Is GDPR? Everything You Need To Know About The New General Data Protection Regulations
General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is coming. Here’s what it means, how it’ll impact individuals and businesses…
Big Tech Is An Extractive Industry, It Must Be Regulated As Such
The biggest scandal of the power of Big Tech is not privacy. There is a quiet coup unfolding…
With Smart Cities, Your Every Step Will Be Recorded
Modern cities are brimming with objects that receive, collect and transmit data. This includes mobile phones but also objects…
Why The Business Model Of Social Media Giants Like Facebook Is Incompatible With Human Rights
Facebook has had a bad few weeks. The social media giant had to apologise for failing to protect the personal…
Are Your Phone Camera & Microphone Spying On You?
Taping over the lens is just the first step in keeping online snoopers out of your business. Here…
How To Manipulate Facebook & Twitter Instead Of Letting Them Manipulate You
Twitter and Facebook have vast control over our online lives. Here are six ways to take it back.…
Top Breakthrough Technologies For 2018 : Perfect Online Privacy
True internet privacy could finally become possible thanks to a new tool that can—for instance—let you prove you’re…
When Artificial Intelligence Rules The City
When we think of the city of the future, we might think about flying cars and scenes from “Star Trek”…
Would You Share Private Data For A Better City?
In the 1950s, a decade after he outlined the theory of the Big Bang and the expanding…
The Silent Rise Of The Smart City
As Google hits the headlines for changes to its privacy rules across Europe, it is worth noting…
What Big Data Means For Big Cities
Sometimes the most powerful and transformative technologies emerge by accident, an unintended consequence of other developments. When this…
Are You Willing To Trade Privacy For Efficiency?
Data science may be helping cities get ‘smarter’, but questions remain over how long urban populations will tolerate…