Even though we’re past the months of Spring, allergies and air contaminants still lurk in your home. Cleaning the air in your home might feel like an on-going battle, and it’s unlikely you want to start wearing a mask inside your home!
Reducing the air pollution in your home isn’t a terribly arduous affair, it just requires multiple attack angles to maximize effectiveness. In this article, we’re going to share with you 4 of the best methods for removing air pollution, and when these approaches are combined, you can relax in the comfort of your home.
What type of air pollutants are commonly found in homes?
Heating, cooking, cleaning, smoking, fragrances, and furniture are all sources of pollution in the average home. Particles are stirred up simply by moving around. Demands to enhance building energy efficiency are accompanied with concerns that more airtight dwellings would have a negative impact on indoor air quality.
Particulate (microscopic particles of solid or liquid debris), carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, formaldehyde, radon, and volatile compounds from fragrances used in traditional cleansers may already be present in the air within your house.
Tips to reduce air pollution in your home
Invest in an air purifier
These devices, particularly ionic purifiers, can help catch some of the irritants that may cause your symptoms if they are placed in the most frequently utilized parts of the house. You won’t be able to entirely eliminate these allergies, but you can reduce their presence, which may help alleviate the condition. You’ll also be able to effectively keep smoke out of your house with an air purifier.
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High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters use a dense, random arrangement of fibers to collect airborne particles from flowing air. HEPA filters pull particles out of the air flow using the physics of particles traveling through air. HEPA filters are now standard issue for nearly every air purifier on the market, and their functioning is simple but very efficient.
Ionizers clean the air by emitting negatively charged ions (anions) that attract positively charged pollution particles (cations) and cause them to leave the air and adhere to surfaces such as ceilings, walls, and furniture.
Ionization technology, often known as negative ionization, is a fundamental component of several popular air purifiers. According to research, ionizers can help prevent the spread of potentially dangerous molds and germs in sterile areas such as dental clinics and hospitals.
In moist places, such as a basement, a dehumidifier may be useful in preventing mold growth. Ensure that bathrooms, which may also be a source of mold, are adequately aired, and scrub away any visible mold that has accumulated in the shower, on fixtures, or on the walls.
Install exhaust fans to circulate air
Remove cooking odors with fans in the kitchen and steam with fans in the bathrooms. To prevent lint buildup, make sure your dryer vents to the outside. When you can’t open the windows, use your window air conditioner on the fan setting with a clean filter to minimize pollen levels in the air.
Make sure you change the filters on your forced-air heating system on a regular basis. Dust and other airborne irritants may be captured and not recirculated throughout your house using electrostatic filters.
Consider getting your ducts cleaned to get rid of any dust that has accumulated. This isn’t usually a good idea, but it can assist in some situations.
Have your gas appliances inspected
Once a year, a gas engineer must inspect all gas equipment in your house for safety. This will verify that they are working properly and safely. If you’re cooking with a gas stove for an extended length of time, make sure the room is adequately ventilated by opening windows.
Carbon monoxide is a significant atmospheric contaminant that is potentially fatal. An engineer should be able to identify any possible gas leak dangers if you have your gas appliances serviced once a year.
Get rid of dampness and mold
When it comes to moisture and mould, prevention is better than cure, as it is with most things. Check your house for leaky pipes on a regular basis, and inspect your roof and window frames after heavy rains.
Mold may develop indoors due to condensation, so make sure your home is well-insulated and air rooms like the kitchen and bathroom on a regular basis.