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The Importance Of Choosing A Good Name For Your Product

When people start their own business, there is a wide range of different things to consider. It could be how to save money on an online business or deciding who should create your website. Naming your product or service correctly is another key area to think about. In fact, it can make all the difference – and your company’s future may depend on it!

Whether it’s your first product or your most recent one, this article will explain why it’s so important for you to name it well.

It Needs To Be Memorable

The name of your product needs to be catchy so that it stands out from the crowd (your rivals). Your brand is more than just a logo or a design, it’s an entire story that you tell through words and visuals. It’s important for every aspect of your business to work together in order for people to get a clear idea about what you provide. This includes everything from how your website looks to the way you describe yourself when speaking with others.

Because many people struggle to come up with something catchy and memorable, there are a number of professional companies that have sprung up to provide help. Visitors to the NameStormers website are typical of those who want to schedule meetings with experienced experts. People frequently trawl the internet to learn about naming architecture and to read articles about famous brands and business names.

Short Names Can Be Highly Effective

If someone hears about “Uber” for the first time in their life they’ll likely remember what it is, even if they never use it again. This demonstrates how you shouldn’t underestimate the power of choosing the right name for your new brand.

The same goes for ‘Apple’: everyone knows exactly what products are made by them and they also have an extremely recognizable logo.

It Needs To Be Original

You will obviously want the name for your business venture to be unique, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with a product name that has not already been taken. You don’t want someone else using the same name as yours because this would not be good for your business. You could end up spending a lot of time, money, and effort trying to get rid of the problem.

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The trademark process is a way of legally protecting your business’s name. It means that no one else can use it and you don’t have to worry about the legal implications associated with running a business under another person’s trademark. Unfortunately, trademarks can be expensive and time-consuming to get approved by an attorney or government office, so many businesses choose not to do this when they first start up their company. However, if you want to avoid infringing on someone else’s trademark you should register yours to prevent having future problems.


It Needs To Work For SEO Purposes

The three letters above stand for Search Engine Optimization.  The way that search engines work means that your product name needs to be easily readable and understandable. This is because the words in the title will affect how well it ranks on Google or other search engines like Bing.

If your product name includes keywords (the ones people use when they search for a product like yours), this can help your product become more discoverable when people are searching online. If your product name doesn’t relate to anything relevant, it may not feature highly in peoples’ search results, and this would have a direct impact on your ability to generate sales.

It Mustn’t Sound Like Another Product Or Be Complicated

Another thing to watch out for is that your product name doesn’t sound like another popular brand. If you’re new and people confuse your company with a more established competitor they may not purchase from you because of the confusion.

Your product name should be easy to spell and pronounce. Think about how many times people may be writing checks that include your product name. If you have a call center, consider how often your staff will have to same the name as part of their script. Because of this, you won’t want a name that’s too long or that is a tongue twister.

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It Should Match Your Domain Name And Be Explanatory

If the product name matches your domain name it makes it easier for people to find your products online. If people can’t find you they will quickly move on and give their business to somebody else. For example, you wouldn’t benefit from having a cat food product called ‘Tastycatsnaps’ and then making it available on because the website wouldn’t match up with what you’re trying to sell.

If someone looks at your product name, they should be able to tell what product you are selling just by reading it. However, that doesn’t mean you have to use the product’s actual title as its product name because there may already be a company with that exact same product named “X”.

It Needs To Form Part Of Your Branding

The branding process can be defined as the way that a company or organization presents itself to its market. It is how you want your customers and prospects to perceive your product, service or even yourself. The branding of your product is very important and this includes having a name for your product that will go well alongside things like logos and colors. When choosing a brand name, make sure it works across different platforms, including social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and addresses ([email protected]).

As you can see, finding the perfect name for your product is not as easy as it may first appear. You may need the assistance of a professional marketing company and to spend time finding out how to get the name trademarked. Once everything is chosen and in place, however, your product name will be your perpetual advert – something that sticks in peoples’ minds and that encourages them to buy.

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