10 Habits To Start On Earth Day Instead Of Just Celebrating Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! As we celebrate Earth Day today there are different activities all over the world that raises awareness on how we can protect and save our environment. Let’s make it Earth Day every day by doing these simple habits to protect and save our environment.


1. Stop Food Waste

Eat only what you need. Keep track of the food in your ref and pantry and make sure they don’t go beyond their expiration date. Share your extra food with others. Also check out these groups who are doing their best to prevent food waste.


2. Dispose Trash Properly

A very basic statement yet there are still some who can’t follow. Do not litter around. Trash cans are there to keep your trash and be mindful of others around you.


3. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Use reusable products as much as possible (e.g. use refillable water jug instead of always buying bottled water). Reuse tote bags or plastic bags when doing chores and recycle items that can be recycled.


4. Cultivate Plants

Grow your own plant on a pot and if space allows, grow your own vegetable garden. Having your own vegetable garden is very rewarding; imagine being able to grow your own food and picking them right at your backyard. You can also start having your own compost pit to fertilise your plants.


5. Walk, Bike, Carpool, Use Public Transport

Reduce your carbon emissions, save gas and save money by taking other modes of transport. Walking and biking are also good ways to exercise the body.

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6. Conserve Water

6-save-water Turn off the tap when not in use. Use eco-friendly toilet flush, showers and faucets. In the kitchen, you may also reuse water used in rinsing your veggies and fruits for your garden. Just make sure the water’s not salted or soapy.


7. Do Daily Home Maintenance Repairs

Always check your home fixtures and appliances regularly. Make sure there are no leaking pipes or broken electric fixtures. These minor repairs can add up to a lot of expenses in the long run. Also check your windows if there are cracks or gaps. You may not notice it but hot or cold air may be seeping through the cracks.


8. Refrain From Using Chemical Cleaners


There are a lot of cleaners available today that promises to rid of all kinds of bacteria and stains but not all of them are environmentally-friendly. Most of them contains strong chemicals that seep into our waterways and the air. Try using other alternatives like baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar. They’re as effective as these cleansers but less harmful on the environment.


9. Turn Off When Not In Use


Save energy and save money by turning off lights when not in use. Also opt for eco-friendly bulbs. Unplug appliances when not in use. The so-called ‘vampire appliances’ suck up electricity even when they are turned off.


10. Do A Yard Sale! Barter Your Items!

Over the years we tend to accumulate and pile stuff in our houses. Make good use of them by selling them or bartering them. Not only will you free up more space at your house, you’ll also earn extra money.

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