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106 posts
Environment-related materials.
The World Is Not Moving Fast Enough On Climate Change — Social Sciences Can Help Explain Why
People walk on the snowless streets of Place Jacques Cartier in Old Montréal on Jan. 3, 2024. February…
Unleashing Creativity In Environmental Global Political Economy. Part 1.
Exploring Unconventional Solutions Within Current Political And Economic Structures. The environment is considered within International Political Economy (IPE)…
Did European Colonisation Precipitate The Little Ice Age?
Many of us think that rapid environmental change is a quintessentially modern crisis. Today, temperatures are soaring, topsoil…
Machine Learning Makes A Cost-Effective Environmental Watchdog
Machine learning could help safeguard public health and spot environmental dangers, according to new research. As Hurricane Florence…
Working With Nature Can Help Us Build Greener Cities Instead Of Urban Slums
As Australian cities grow and transform, we need to ensure we are not building the slums of the…
The 30 Cities Best Placed For Long-Term Success
Combine the rapid rate of technological change with a globalized economy, and it’s evident that our cities are…
Cities Offer Hope For Saving Native Species
The rapid conversion of natural lands to cement-dominated urban centers is causing great losses in biodiversity. Yet, according…
Cities Make Us Forget What’s Great About Nature
Modern cities have lots to offer, but what does their lack of nature cost us? That’s the question…
We Made Plastic. We Depend On It. Now We’re Drowning In It.
The miracle material has made modern life possible. But more than 40 percent of it is used just…
The Secret Solution To Urban Heat As Taught By Termites
How do you cool a building without air conditioning? In nature, termites build skyscraper-like mounds that are ventilated…
US Cities Losing 36 Million Trees A Year, Researchers Find
Scientists warn of environmental threats rising from trend that is ‘likely to continue unless policies are altered’. Cities…
Tourism’s Climate Footprint Is Much Larger Than Previously Thought
The industry accounts for about 8 percent of global climate emissions, and that number is expected to rise.…
Air Pollution Increases Crime In Cities – Here’s How
The impact of air pollution on human health is well-documented. We know that exposure to high levels of…
How Climate Change And Disease Helped The Fall Of Rome
At some time or another, every historian of Rome has been asked to say where we are, today, on Rome’s…
What People Get Wrong About Climate Change
When discussing climate change, it’s not about saving the planet. 195 countries just made a historic agreement to…
The Greening Of America’s Cities
Not so very long ago living in a city meant rarely seeing a blade of grass, wildflower, or…
Going Green Shouldn’t Be This Hard
Climate change is a massive problem. But can individual habit changes actually make an impact? This feature…
Top Breakthrough Technologies For 2018 : Zero-Carbon Natural Gas
The world is probably stuck with natural gas as one of our primary sources of electricity for the…
11 Cities Most Likely To Run Out Of Drinking Water – Like Cape Town
Cape Town is in the unenviable situation of being the first major city in the modern era to…
Top 15 Cities With The Most Trees
There’s a global movement encouraging cities to grow more trees and plan more parks. But which ones have the most green…
Top Cleanest Cities In The World 2017
All human beings want to live in a clean and green environment but not all people are committed…
Why The Future Is Uncertain For Earth’s Island Worlds
The future is uncertain for Earth’s incredible island worlds The Earth is a blue planet with oceans covering…
Why Cities Should Plant More Trees
Cities can take one simple step to combat the impact of urban pollution, climate change, and even summer…
China’s Green Planning And Greater Influence In Infrastructure
The United States is retreating from the global community under a president who rejected the Paris Climate Accords and…
How Green Roofs Can Protect Our City From Flooding
Spring and summer 2017 have been among the wettest on record in eastern North America. And the world…
How Materials Science Will Determine the Future of Human Civilization
If Moore’s law continues, electronic devices will consume more than half the world’s energy budget within 20 years.…
Now. Undeniably. The Age Of Renewable Energy. Upon Us.
In 2016, more renewable energy was added to the global grid than ever before, and at a lower…
An Ancient Hydraulic System, Envy Of Modern Ones?
The Shushtar Hydraulic System in the island city of Shushtar is a complex irrigation system that dates back…
Smart And Green Real Estate Makes Money Sense, Really
Improved light, ventilation and heat control can boost workers’ productivity by thousands of dollars a year and reduce…
Why Do We Keep Building Depressingly Designed Cities?
Prof Colin Ellard was walking past the rows of new-build towers that dominate the west of central Toronto…
The Top 10 Greenest Cities in America
The Spring Equinox is behind us and the days of lazy picnics in the park are nearly here.…
Should Britain Build On Its Green Spaces To Solve The Housing Crisis?
Back in the 1930s, English planners came up with a novel idea to prevent urban sprawl: a ring…
The Top 5 US States Who Gives A Damn About Our Planet
Across the nation, Americans are going green – and they’re heading online for more information. Even their search…
When Dams Destroyed Eden And How We’ll Get It Back
A new $50 million fund will help communities remove “deadbeat dams,” starting in California, Oregon, and Washington. Within…
Pollution Cleanup Is Obviously Costly. Here’s A Possible Answer.
Last week, Portland is expected to become the seventh West Coast city to sue Monsanto, alleging that the…
Wildlife Hope Through A Wetland Sanctuary At The Heart Of London
An old reservoir in the boroughs of Hackney, in north east London, has been transformed into a nature…
When You Get Tired Of Building Buildings, Build Mountains
With just a few inches of rainfall a year, the country is taking matters into its own hands.…
Is A 100-Year Global Record Enough To Convince Naysayers?
Average global temperature was 1.07C hotter – beating last month’s previous record increase. The global temperature in March…
10 Habits To Start On Earth Day Instead Of Just Celebrating Earth Day
Happy Earth Day! As we celebrate Earth Day today there are different activities all over the world that…
Why We Earth Day: Then. Now. Future.
Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of…
Bringing Back Medieval Medicinal Gardens To The Future
It’s full of lush medicinal plants—and no, marijuana is not one of them. While some people swear by…
Portland Park Perspectives By People And For People
The National Park Service’s Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program plans to dole out $15 million to cities to…
A First Look Into Our Future With Urban Forestry
We know intuitively that we need trees in our cities. They enhance the public realm, provide shade, cool…
At Last, Las Vegas’ Glitz Shines More With Solar & Foot Power
Cities consume a considerable amount of energy per year on lighting. And if that city happens to be…
In Malaysia, The Future Of Cities Are Forests
Sasaki Associates recently unveiled some preliminary details regarding an ambitious mixed-use development in Malaysia, that’s expected to run…
Top 18 Plants For Fresh Air Proven In Outer Space
Houseplants do wonders for a house: they breathe new life to a room, add a bright pop of…
How To Turn Bland Infra To Something Beautifully Good
Infrastructure can be wielded as a means of promoting the common good or as an institutional weapon of…